
Important announcements
  • All the session rooms will be equipped with a PC (OS: Windows, Software: Power Point and Adobe Acrobat Reader), a LCD projector with HDMI cables, a laser pointer, and a microphone. Please note that other types of cables such as VGA are not available.
  • Poster numbers and panel locations (TBA).
Preparation of your presentation

In accordance with the increasing roles of JVSS making commitments to global activities in academia and industry related to vacuum and surface science, the council of JVSS has made a decision to incrementally internationalize the JVSS Annual meeting since 2023.

In this annual meeting, all participants are expected to follow the guideline as listed below:

  • Level A : To make the presentation in English
         (to be highly encouraged)
  • Level B : To prepare the presentation slides and posters in English
         (obligated to make the best efforts)
  • Level C : To prepare the abstract in English
         (to be required)
The Organizing Committee would much appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all participants.

NOTICE: In this meeting, the oral and poster presenters in "general sessions" are obligated to make the best efforts to prepare their presentation slides and posters in English, and may make the presentation in Japanese, but highly encouraged to do so in English.



Speakers for general sessions are limited to JVSS members. If you are not a member, please apply for membership (Visit website).

Notice: Since JVSS2024 will be jointly held with ISSS-10 this year, those who are supposed to provide presentations from the Asian academic societies and associations* that have established cooperation with JVSS are highly encouraged to resister in ISSS-10 rather than JVSS2024.

*Asian academic societies and associations :

ChinaChinese Vacuum Society (CVS)

Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI)

Materials Research Society of Indonesia (MRS-ID)

KoreaKorean Vacuum Society (KVS)
PhilippinesPhysics Society of the Philippines (SPP)
Vacuum Society of the Philippines (VSP)
SingaporeThin Films Society (TFS)
TaiwanTaiwan Vacuum Society (TVS)
Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)
Oral presentation
  • Oral presentations will be held at F: Conference Room 32 on Tue. Oct. 22.
  • All the session rooms will be equipped with a Windows PC with PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader, LCD projector with HDMI cables, laser pointer, and microphone. Please note that other types of cables such as VGA are not available.
  • Audio output is not available.
  • You can use your own laptop PC for your presentation. We recommend you to bring your presentation file on a USB memory just in case of troubles. 
  • Both wide (16:9) and standard (4:3) slide sizes can be used. We recommend you to use the wide slide size.
  • Please make sure to check the connection before the session starts.

Presentation time

JVSS Award 30 min. (Talk: 25 min, Q&A: 5 min.)
Contributed 15 min. (Talk: 10 min, Q&A: 5 min.)
Poster presentation
  • Poster sessions will be held at the Event Hall (1F).
  • Poster size is up to H1770 x W1170. The A0 poster size is recommended.
  • Your poster number will be displayed on the poster panel.
  • Posters can be mounted from 8:20 on the presentation date. They should be removed at the end of the session.
  • Pushpins will be supplied to mount the posters. No other materials should be used.

Presentation time (Core time)

Half of the poster session will be designated as core time. Please stay in front of your poster during the core time. Core time does not apply to award applicants.

DatePoster #Core time
Oct. 22 (Tue.)


Poster Session 2 

18:00 – 20:00
Presenters are encouraged to provide explanations whenever possible,
even if it is not during the core time.

Poster numbers and panel locations are linked here.
Surface Science / Physical Property (SS1)
Electronic states, Electronic/optical properties, Photovoltaic conversion, Magnetism, Condensed-matter theory, Quantum effect, Coherence, Electron correlation, Nano-tribology, Superconductivity, Density wave, Topological insulator, Computational science
Surface Science / Chemical Property (SS2)
Surface chemical reactions, Adsorption/Desorption, Diffusion, Phase transition, Electrode surface, Reactivity, Reaction field, Reaction mechanism, Reaction dynamics, Catalyst, Photocatalyst, Mesopore materials, Nano reaction field, Micro reaction system, Electrochemistry, Computational science
Surface Science / Structure (SS3)
Surface reconstruction/superstructure, Atomic/molecular manipulation, MEMS, Lithography, Surface modification, FIB, Beam technology, Plasma processing, Computational science
Surface Analysis / Applied Surface Science / Evaluation Technique (ASS)
Electron/ion/X-ray spectroscopy, Synchrotron radiation, Interfacial spectroscopy, Holography, Time-resolved measurement, Probe microscopy, Microscopic spectroscopy, Atom probe, Electron microscopy, Single molecule spectroscopy, Surface diffraction, Operando spectroscopy, LEEM, PEEM, Positron measurement, TERS, Non-linear spectroscopy, Vibrational spectroscopy, Microbeam analysis, Standardization, Surface treatment, Experimental technology, Electron sources, Theoretical calculation
Surface Engineering (SE)
Surface modificaiton, Coating, Superhydrophobic, Superhydrophilic, Thermal spraying, Corrosion protection, Sintering, Carburizing, Bonding, Tribology
Vacuum Science Technology (VST)
Vacuum pump, Vacuum measurement, Vacuum materials, Flow analysis, Gas emission, Extremely-high vacuum, Accelerator, Applied vacuum technology, Vacuum process in general
Thin Film (TF)
Thin film property/structure, Analysis technology, Fabrication technology, Magnetic thin film, Thin film applications
Low-dimensional Material / Nanostructure / Nanomaterial (LD / NS / NM)
Nanostructure, Nanophysical property, Nano-scale measurement, Nanotubes, Two-dimensional materials (graphene, TMD, silicene, etc.), Clusters, Zeolites
Semiconductor / Magnetic, Electronic, Photonic devices / Electronic Material Processing (EMP / MI / MS)
Semiconductor, Organic semiconductor, Organic electronic device, Spintronics, Dielectric thin films, Oxide thin films, Laser, Quantum dot, Quantum wire, Quantum well, Superlattice, Interface, Hybrid material, Vacuum device, Solar cell, CVD process, Etching process, Computational Science
Plasma Science & Technology (PST)
Plasma measurement/source/processing, Sputtering, Ion technology, Nuclear fusion, Plasma applications
Soft Matter / Biomaterial (SO / BI)
Organic/polymer/biopolymer materials, Biotechnology, Biodevices, Biosensors, DNA devices, Protein chips, Single molecule bioinformation, Molecular recognition, Biomolecule, Artificial organs, Colloids, Computational science
Environmental Material / Energy Material (SU・EN)
Secondary battery, Solar cell, Environmental catalyst, Photocatalyst, Fuel cell, Environmental purification catalyst, Biomass, Energy, Environmental load reduction technology, Space-related technology, Computational science

Secretariat of JVSS 2024
Ishikawa Bldg. 5F, 5-25-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3812-0266
