Session Details

H Timber structure

Wed. Mar 19, 2025 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
H Timber structure(Exhibition building / Exhibition Hall 2)

[H19-P-01]Development of densified glulam for tall timber construction
Part 1 Physical properties of densified laminae

○Yuji Okuhara1, Masato Yamanouchi1, Naoki Koike1, Yoshinori Ohashi2, Takayuki Ito3, Satoshi Shimura4, Ken-ichi Miyazaki5 (1. Nagano Pref., 2. FPRI, HRO, 3. Goto Mokuzai Co. Ltd., 4. Saito Wood Industry Co Ltd., 5. TAKENAKA Corp.)

[H19-P-02]Development of densified glulam for tall timber construction
Part 2 Adhesive properties of densified glulam

Junko MIYAZAKI1, ○Yoshinori OHASHI1, Kamii NAKAMURA1, Kumiko MATSUMOTO1, Takayuki ITO2, Akio SHIRAISHI3, Kiyoshi SAITO3, Satoshi SHIMURA3, Ken-ichi MIYAZAKI4 (1. FPRI, HRO, 2. GOTO WOOD, 3. SAITO WOOD INDUSTRY, 4. TAKENAKA Corp.)

[H19-P-03]Development of densified glulam for tall timber construction
Part 3 Bending properties of densified glulam

○Naoki Koike1, Masato Yamanouchi1, Yuji Okuhara1, Takahisa Yoshida1, Ryuya Takanashi2, Yoshinori Ohashi3, Naoyuki Furuta3, Ken-ichi Miyazaki4 (1. Nagano Pref., 2. Hokkaido Univ., 3. FPRI, HRO, 4. TAKENAKA)

[H19-P-04]Development of densified glulam for tall timber construction
Part 4 Compression properties of densified glulam

○Takaaki Kuriahra1, Akira Tanaka1, Ken-ichi Miyazaki1, Yoshinori Ohashi2 (1. Takenaka, 2. FPRI, HRO)

[H19-P-05]Development of densified glulam for tall timber construction Part 5 Shear properties of densified glulam

○Ryuya TAKANASHI1, Naoyuki Furuta2, Yoshinori Ohashi2, Ken-ichi Miyazaki3 (1. Hokkaido Univ., 2. FPRI, HRO, 3. TAKENAKA Corp.)

[H19-P-06]Shear strength property of plywood shear wall using small size panel

○Ryuichi Maeda1, Akihisa Kitamori1, Kazuya Morita2 (1. Osaka Sangyo Univ., 2. Kyoto Pref. Univ.)

[H19-P-08]Humidity Response of Cellulose Microfibril Structure in Industrial Hemp Stems

○Kanae Ito1, Shigeo Kuwamoto1, Yoshimasa Urushihara1 (1. JASRI)

[H19-P-09]Proposal of an estimation formula for bearing stiffness considering the surface roughness of circular holes

○Hina Suzuki1, Kenji Kobayashi1, Keita Ogawa1 (1. Shizuoka Univ.)

[H19-P-10]Effect of grain direction on embedment property

○Anna Tanaka1, Keita Ogawa1, Kenji Kobayashi1 (1. Shizuoka Univ.)

[H19-P-11]Joint Performance of Beam with Longitudinal Drift Pinned Joint

○Masatake Nagata1, Kei Sawata1, Takanobu Sasaki1, Ryuya Takanashi1, Yoshihisa Sasaki1 (1. Hokkaido Univ.)

[H19-P-12]Withdrawal performances of multiple screws in cypress glulam

○Shuhei Suzuki1, Kenji Kobayashi2, Keita Ogawa2 (1. Shizuoka University, 2. Shizuoka Univ.)

[H19-P-14]Conditions for the production of conservation-treated CLT

○Kenta SHINDO1, Atsushi MIYATAKE1, Masao NAKAJIMA2, Tokio SEKIZAWA3 (1. FFPRI, 2. Kanto Gakuin Univ., 3. JWPIA)

[H19-P-15]Single shear performance of nailed joints with Japanese ceder and Korean nails and OSB

○Hiroto Suesada1, Shingo Sonoda2 (1. Shinshu Univ., 2. Tsuzuki Corp.)

[H19-P-16]Effect of rail type on two-rail shear tests

○Takahisa KAMADA1, Kouta FUJIMURA1 (1. NIT.Archi.)

[H19-P-17]Long-term performance of splitting strength and bearing deformation of drift-pin joints

○Makoto NAKATANI1, Kaito Yamagata2, Takuro Mori2 (1. Miyazaki Pre., 2. Hiroshima Univ)

[H19-P-18]Analytical Evaluation of Prestressed Connections Considering Mechano-Sorptive Creep

○Yoshiaki WAKASHIMA1, Hidemaru Shimizu2, Matsubara Doppo3 (1. Toyama Pref., 2. Sugiyama Univ., 3. Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)

[H19-P-20]Study on inside moisture content of CLT and Glulam on outdoor exposure
Part 3: Data for three years and changes in shear performance during this period

○Takuro MORI1, Yutaro Enatsu1, Yuri Sadakane1, Teruhisa Miyauchi2, Shinichi Isaji2, Makoto Nakatani3 (1. Hiroshima Univ., 2. Hokkaido Inst., 3. Miyazaki Pref.)