Presentation Information

[2E02]Evaluation on Reactor Core Degradation and Relocation at Severe Accident(6) MAAP5 Analysis before and after the Water Injection of LOFT Experiment LP-FP-2

*Koji Nishida1, Hiroaki Takanami1, Seitaro Sakurai1, Murase Michio1 (1. INSS)


Severe accident,Fuel damage,Relocation,MAAP5

Cladding temperature and hydrogen generation computed by MAAP5 were approached the measured values in LOFT Experiment LP-FP-2 when film boiling heat transfer and oxide film peeling of cladding immediately after water injection were considered. The computed flow area in the height approached the measured value if the fuel rod collapse time was estimated without the minimum time limit of the fuel rod collapse model in MAAP5. The computations considered the film boiling and cladding oxide film peeling and fuel rod collapse after the water injection, resulted in an increase in hydrogen generation immediately after the water injection.


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