Session Details

[2E01-07]Severe Accidents 1

Thu. Mar 13, 2025 9:55 AM - 11:55 AM JST
Thu. Mar 13, 2025 12:55 AM - 2:55 AM UTC
Room E(Zoom room 5)
Chair:Riichiro Okawa(CRIEPI)

[2E01]Estimation of accident progression behavior in the lower part of the containment vessel of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 using MCCI code

*Yoshihiro Morita1, Masanori Naitoh1 (1. AdvanceSoft)

[2E02]Evaluation on Reactor Core Degradation and Relocation at Severe Accident(6) MAAP5 Analysis before and after the Water Injection of LOFT Experiment LP-FP-2

*Koji Nishida1, Hiroaki Takanami1, Seitaro Sakurai1, Murase Michio1 (1. INSS)

[2E03]Evaluation on Reactor Core Degradation and Relocation at Severe Accident(7) Evaluation of the Zr-water reaction on core degradation in the early stage of the TMI-2 accident

*Hiroaki Takanami1, Koji Nishida1, Seitaro Sakurai1, Michio Murase1 (1. INSS)

[2E04]Effects of bubble-bubble interaction on bubble behavior and surrounding flow structure in pool scrubbing

*Koji Hosoya1, Akiko Kaneko1 (1. Univ. of Tsukuba)

[2E05]Experimental study on aerosol decontamination factors of pool scrubbing

*Kotaro Miwa1, Munemichi Kawaguchi1, Kazuhiro Sawa1 (1. Hokkaido Univ.)

[2E06]Modeling radio-nuclide behavior for estimating their amount in radioactive waste of Fukushima Daiichi NPS(3) Major chemical form of 60Co and its effects on transportation to the contaminated water

*Shunsuke Uchida1, Chiaki Kino2, kenichi Tezuka2, Hidetoshi Karasawa4, Yoshikazu Koma3, Yoko Takahatake3 (1. non, 2. Institute of Applied Energy, 3. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 4. Hachinohe Institute of Technology)

[2E07]Experimental and numerical study of the vapor explosion for a multiple droplet system(1) Outline of experiment and numerical analysis of the vapor explosion for a droplet line system

*Tomohiro Kamiya1, Makoto Asahara2 (1. JAEA, 2. Gifu Univ.)

Time reserved for Chair