Presentation Information
[2E03]Evaluation on Reactor Core Degradation and Relocation at Severe Accident(7) Evaluation of the Zr-water reaction on core degradation in the early stage of the TMI-2 accident
*Hiroaki Takanami1, Koji Nishida1, Seitaro Sakurai1, Michio Murase1 (1. INSS)
TMI-2,Severe accident,Fuel damage,Relocation,MAAP5
We made a MAAP5 analysis model for the TMI-2 to examine the effect of Zr-water reaction on core degradation and relocation in the early accident period (100-174 min) when the debris beds were formed from the intact core geometry. We set the core injection rate at 8 kg/s until 138 min, when the pressurizer relief block valve was closed, and at 3 kg/s from 138 - 174 min. We analyzed four cases with different Zr-water reaction rates. We confirmed that the hydrogen generation tended to decrease and the maximum mass position tended to become higher with a small reaction rate, and vice versa in the case with a large reaction rate.
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