Presentation Information

[2E06]Modeling radio-nuclide behavior for estimating their amount in radioactive waste of Fukushima Daiichi NPS(3) Major chemical form of 60Co and its effects on transportation to the contaminated water

*Shunsuke Uchida1, Chiaki Kino2, kenichi Tezuka2, Hidetoshi Karasawa4, Yoshikazu Koma3, Yoko Takahatake3 (1. non, 2. Institute of Applied Energy, 3. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 4. Hachinohe Institute of Technology)


Fukushima Daiichi NPP,contaminated water,Fuel claddings,Co-60,radio-nuclide behavior

In the previous report, it was confirmed that the major source of 60Co in the 1F was the fuel deposits. 60Co on the fuel was adsorbed on iron cruds on the fuel surface first, and then, their chemical forms were changed to cobalt ferrite. So, they were released from the core to transfer as insoluble particles. The transport ratio (scaling factor) method based on 60Co as the standard nuclide for radioactive waste such as the contaminated water could be well applied for determining the amounts of 63Ni, one of the trans metals as same as cobalt. The method could not be applied well for gaseous FP, e.g., 137Cs, but its application for insoluble species, e.g., 90Sr, was acceptable by calibrating their solubilities.


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