Presentation Information
[2E07]Experimental and numerical study of the vapor explosion for a multiple droplet system(1) Outline of experiment and numerical analysis of the vapor explosion for a droplet line system
*Tomohiro Kamiya1, Makoto Asahara2 (1. JAEA, 2. Gifu Univ.)
Vapor explosion,Shock wave,Droplet line
A vapor explosion has been considered to consist of a coarse mixing phase in which molten fuel falls into the water and is disintegrated and an explosion phase in which an explosion with a shock wave through the molten fuel droplets occurs. The target of safety assessment is the shock wave propagating through molten droplets and the shock-induced flow of water, vapor, and molten fluid mixture. We aim to clarify the strength of the shock wave and its formation and propagation mechanism by conducting experiments and numerical analysis of the vapor explosion of a droplet line system, a simplified version of a multiple droplet system. The background, objectives, and contents of the study will be reported.
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