Presentation Information
[3E07]Experiments for the Onset of Boiling Entrainment from a Falling Liquid Film
*Kaito Nade1, Raka Firman1, Yuki Narushima2, Tomio Okawa1, Kenichi Katono2 (1. UEC, 2. Hitachi)
Boiling entrainment,Liquid film dryout,Heat flux,Two-phase flow,Boiling Water Reactor
The fuel rods of a boiling water reactor are cooled by a liquid film on the surface of the rods. Therefore, when the liquid film on the inner surface of the tube completely disappears and a liquid film dryout occurs, it leads to damage to the heat transfer surface, which is highly dangerous. Thus, accurately predicting the dryout point is critical for the safety design of the reactor, and understanding the droplet entrainment phenomenon from the liquid film is essential for this purpose. In this presentation, the boiling entrainment phenomenon from the liquid film is examined according to the different mechanisms, and the results of the newly developed conditions for the onset of Wave-type boiling entrainment are presented.
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