Session Details

[3E01-07]Two Phase Flow

Fri. Mar 14, 2025 9:55 AM - 11:55 AM JST
Fri. Mar 14, 2025 12:55 AM - 2:55 AM UTC
Room E(Zoom room 5)
Chair:Kenichi Katono(Hitachi)

[3E01]Development of Mechanistic Prediction Method of DNB Heat Flux Based on Two-Phase Flow CFD(5) Overview of the progress in 2024

*Tomio Okawa1 (1. UEC)

[3E02]Development of Mechanistic Prediction Method of DNB Heat Flux Based on Two-Phase Flow CFD(6) Experiment of subcooled flow boiling

*Yue Wang1, Yudai Tsutsui1, Tomio Okawa1 (1. UEC)

[3E03]Development of Mechanistic Prediction Method of DNB Heat Flux Based on Two-Phase Flow CFD(7) Pool boiling experiments under high pressure conditions

*Shota Fukudome1, Yutaro Umehara1, Shoji Mori1 (1. Kyushu Univ.)

[3E04]Development of Mechanistic Prediction Method of DNB Heat Flux Based on Two-Phase Flow CFD(8) Numerical analysis of vapor mass formation under forced convective boiling

*Ayako Ono1, Tomio Okawa2 (1. JAEA, 2. UEC)

[3E05]Development of Mechanistic Prediction Method of DNB Heat Flux Based on Two-Phase Flow CFD(9) Numerical Analysis of Void Fraction Distribution During Subcooled Flow Boiling Using Two-Phase Flow CFD

*Yasuo Ose1, Tomio Okawa2 (1. YSE, 2. UEC)

[3E06]Evaluation of steam-water annular flow characteristics under BWR operating conditions based on experiments with simulant fluids

*Huacheng Zhang1, Yutaro Umehara1, Shoji Mori1, Naoki Horiguchi2, Hiroyuki Yoshida2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. JAEA)

[3E07]Experiments for the Onset of Boiling Entrainment from a Falling Liquid Film

*Kaito Nade1, Raka Firman1, Yuki Narushima2, Tomio Okawa1, Kenichi Katono2 (1. UEC, 2. Hitachi)

Time reserved for Chair