Presentation Information

[3F01]Evaluation of Risk Curves and Delay Effects with Accident Progression after Implementing Accident Tolerant Fuel

*Xiaoyu Zheng1, Ryuji Hosoyamada1, Hiroyuki Shiotsu1, Hitoshi Tamaki1, Yasuteru Sibamoto1, Yu Maruyama1 (1. JAEA)


Accident Tolerant Fuel,Dynamic PRA,MELCOR,Risk Curve

Accident tolerant fuel (ATF) can significantly impact risk assessment and other safety issues due to altered characteristics such as cladding oxidation and hydrogen generation at high temperatures. This study employs a dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) approach and the severe accident analysis code of MELCOR to investigate the effects on a pressurized water reactor (PWR) after implementing ATF (Cr-coated zircaloy and FeCrAl). It focuses on evaluating the effects of ATF from the perspectives of reducing the generation of oxidation heat and hydrogen, and delaying the onset of core damage. By assessing the risk curve (F-C curve), this research aims to demonstrate the expected effects of the ATF implementation.


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