Session Details

[3F01-03]Multi Unit / Dynamic PRA

Fri. Mar 14, 2025 10:05 AM - 11:00 AM JST
Fri. Mar 14, 2025 1:05 AM - 2:00 AM UTC
Room F(Zoom room 6)
Chair:Satoshi Takeda(Osaka Univ.)

[3F01]Evaluation of Risk Curves and Delay Effects with Accident Progression after Implementing Accident Tolerant Fuel

*Xiaoyu Zheng1, Ryuji Hosoyamada1, Hiroyuki Shiotsu1, Hitoshi Tamaki1, Yasuteru Sibamoto1, Yu Maruyama1 (1. JAEA)

[3F02]Development of a methodology for evaluating containment failure scenarios that impact other units(1) Analysis of constituent events in the accident scenarios based on accident case studies

*Eishiro Higo1, Hiromichi Miura1 (1. CRIEPI)

[3F03]Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methods for multiple tanks and multiple events at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant(5)Consideration of importance evaluation method that takes into account radiation exposure effects for evaluation systems with three or more storage tanks

*Masahiro Yamamoto1,4, Kazumi Takebe1, Takashi Kodama1, Futoshi Tanaka2, Asei Kawasaki3, Hidetaka Nagata2, Isao Hongo2, Makoto Takahashi4 (1. JNFL, 2. MHI, 3. MHI NSE, 4. Tohoku Univ.)

Time reserved for Chair