Session Details

[2F09-12]Countermeasures on Hygrogen

Thu. Mar 13, 2025 3:25 PM - 4:40 PM JST
Thu. Mar 13, 2025 6:25 AM - 7:40 AM UTC
Room F(Zoom room 6)
Chair:Masahiro Ishigaki(Univ. of Fukui)

[2F09]Evaluation of hydrogen behavior in lower level of BWR reactor building during severe accidents(1) Backgrounds and objectives of the research

*Takumi Nameki1, Kunihiro Tomita2, Yoshihiro Matsuto2, Satoshi Mizuno1, Kimitoshi Yoneda3, Yoshihisa Nishi3, Tomohisa Yuasa3, Miki Saito3, Ryo Morita3 (1. TEPCO HD, 2. ATENA, 3. CRIEPI)

[2F10]Evaluation of hydrogen behavior in lower level of BWR reactor building during severe accidents(2) Construction of the analysis model and the base case analysis

*Kimitoshi Yoneda1, Tomohisa Yuasa1, Miki Saito1, Yoshihisa Nishi1, Ryo Morita1, Kunihiro Tomita2, Yoshihiro Matsuto2, Satoshi Mizuno3, Takumi Nameki3 (1. CRIEPI, 2. ATENA, 3. TEPCO HD)

[2F11]Evaluation of hydrogen behavior in lower level of BWR reactor building during severe accidents(3) Sensitivity study of hydrogen concentration in a ceiling cavity

*Tomohisa Yuasa1, Miki Saito1, Kimitoshi Yoneda1, Yoshihisa Nishi1, Ryo Morita1, Kunihiro Tomita2, Yoshihiro Matsuto2, Satoshi Mizuno3, Takumi Nameki3 (1. CRIEPI, 2. ATENA, 3. TEPCO HD)

[2F12]Overview of the second edition of the Handbook of Advanced Hydrogen Safety Measures in Nuclear Power

*Yasutaka Harai1, Ryo Fukuda1, Atsuhiko Terada2, Ryutaro Hino (1. MHI, 2. JAEA)

Time reserved for Chair