Session Details

[3G04-07]1F Debris and Severe Accident

Fri. Mar 14, 2025 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Fri. Mar 14, 2025 1:45 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Room G(Zoom room 7)
Chair:Shun Hirooka(JAEA)

[3G04]Challenge for screening of nuclear fuel debris by innovative spectral imaging and its verification by LIBS mapping(4) HSI analysis of heat-treated concrete

*Hiroaki Muta1, Takafumi Okita1, Chisato Sakaguchi2, Kan Sakamoto2, Hironori Ohba3, Ikuo Wakaida3, Neil Cockbain4, Andrew Parker5, Malcolm Joyce5, Paul Murray6 (1. Osaka Univ., 2. NFD, 3. JAEA, 4. NNL, 5. Lancaster Univ., 6. Univ. of Strathclyde)

[3G05]Challenge for screening of nuclear fuel debris by innovative spectral imaging and its verification by LIBS mapping(5) Hyperspectral imaging of simulated fuel debris samples in the near infrared region

*Chisato SAKAGUCHI Sakaguchi1, Kan Sakamoto1, Atsushi Ohuchi1, Hiroaki Muta2, Hironori Ohba3, David Dunphy4, Paul Murray4 (1. NFD, 2. Osaka Univ., 3. JAEA, 4. Univ. of Strathclyde)

[3G06]Study on Cs aerosol growth process during a fast reactor severe accident

*Ko Sato1, Shoma Okano1, Isamu Sato1 (1. TCU)

[3G07]Reaction test of sodium carbonate formation from sodium chloride in water vapor and carbon dioxide atmosphere

*kunihisa nakajima1 (1. JAEA)

Time reserved for Chair