Presentation Award

Poster Award / Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist

Poster Award

Applicant: The applicant should be a university student (e.g. graduate or undergraduate student) or a researcher in university, institute, or company, and 35 years old or younger as of April 1, 2024, except for winners of 'young scientist awards' and 'oral presentation award for young scientist' this year and persons who have received 'poster award 'in the past divisional meetings of DCSC.
Review Process: The review of the award will be carried out in the following two stages. This year, the applicants are asked to make a short movie about the about the content of the presentation.  In the first stage, the movie and the abstract will be evaluated. The applicants who pass the first stage will be evaluated by their presentaition at the poster session by judges chosen by the organizing committee.

Application: Please select 'Apply for Poster Award' and enter the date of birth (if you are a student, please also enter your course).

Review Details

First Stage (by July 31 Aug 2)

Judging will be based on a 2-minute short movie introducing the research, and an abstract.
Unless there are special circumstances, the video presentation should be conducted by the presenter him/herself and automatic voices must not be used.
Judging will be based on the following criteria. 'novelty, importance' and 'logical correctness of description and presentation'.
After submitting your presentation on the confit system, please upload your movie file and abstract from the following website.

Movie Upload Site:

Deadline July 31(Wed) extend to Aug 2(Fri)
(Files may be replaced until the deadline)

What you will need to upload

        • Name of presenter
        • Title of the presentation
        • Reception number (C000xxx) This can be found in the confirmation email of your presentation from the Confit system
        • Video file (mp4 format, approx. 2 mins)
        • Abstract (pdf format, the same as the one uploaded when applying for the presentation)

The submitted video will be open to the participants of the meeting, but you can choose not to make it open.
If you wish the video to be viewed only by the poster award jury, please select 'No public access' (whether or not the video is made public does not affect the judging process).


Second Stage (September 17)

The judging will take place at the poster presentation venue at noon on Tuesday 17 September.

Judging will be based on the following criteria: 'novelty and importance', 'logical correctness of description and presentation', 'presentation and Q&A' and 'contribution of the presenter'.

Further details will be noticed to eligible applicants by August 31.

Applicants of 2nd stage 

P1-04, P1-15, P1-19, P1-20, P1-26, P1-36, P2-03, P2-05, P2-07, P2-13, P2-16, P2-17, P2-26, P2-27, P2-42, P3-01, P3-02, P3-06, P3-13, P3-20, P4-01, P4-17, P4-29, P4-38, P4-41, P4-42, P4-45, P5-03, P5-04, P5-08, P5-17, P5-19, P5-32, P5-35, P5-37, P6-12, P6-13, P6-14, P6-19, P6-21, P6-22, P6-25

Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist

Applicant: The applicant should be a graduate student or a researcher in university, institute, or company, and 35 years old or younger as of April 1, 2024, except for winners of 'young scientist awards' and 'poster award' this year and persons who have received 'oral presentation award for young scientist' in the past divisional meetings of DCSC. Please note that, as a rule, only one Master's course student per supervisor can apply for the award.
Review Process: The evaluation will be conducted on the basis of abstract and presentation. 
Application: Please select 'Apply for Poster Award'  and enter the date of birth (and the course too if you are a student).
Note: Winners will be asked to introduce their researches on the quarterly newsletter of DSDC 'C&I Communication'.