Abstract Submission

Important Dates


Abstract submission for
oral presentation
June 7 (Fri) 17(Mon)
Abstract submission for poster presentationJune 28 (Fri)
Early-bird registrationJune 3 (Man) - Aug 5 (Mon)
Regular registrationAug 6 (Tue) - Sep 20 (Fri) 

Creating Confit Account

  • All the participants are asked to create an account with Confit System by clicking ‘Registration’ button below. (URL is also shown). Through the account, you can submit abstracts and make a registration.
  • Please keep your account ID and password, which are necessary for changing your registration information.
  • After creating an account, you will receive an automatic E-mail confirmation. If you do not receive your confirmation, please check the spam folder of your E-mail software and whether you correctly entered your E-mail address. If the E-mail from the system has not arrived even though there is no error in the email address, please contact the Registration Support (E-mail:  regist.dm@colloid.csj.jp).

Registration (English Version): 

Abstract Submission

  • For the abstract submission, please create your own account with Confit System (see above). After creating the account, abstracts can be  submitted.
  • Please note that we cannot guarantee that a speaker’s choice regarding presentation style and session/symposium entered with the abstract submission will be granted.
  • You can amend your abstract and submission information by logging in to your account anytime prior to the submission deadline. No change will be accepted after the deadline.
  • The presentation number will be notified by the end of August.

Steps of Abstract Submission

Abstract submission can be commenced by clicking "Click here to perform each procedure or update the information" button at Confit System and choosing "New Submission" at "Abstract Submission".

1)  Authors/Affiliations

Affiliations: Please enter the affiliations and countries of all authors.
Authors: Please enter full names of all authors. Choose the affiliation for each author. 

2) Presentation Information

Preferred Presentation: Please select one of Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation, Plenary Lecture*, Special Lecture*, "Encouragement Award Lecture*, Keynote Lecture*, and Invited Lecture (in  Symposium)*. The lectures with asterrisk (*) are only for the presenters invited by the organizers.
Preferred Session/Symposium: Please select one.
Presentation language: Please select Japanese or English.
Presentation Title:  Please enter it within 30 words in English.
Short Abstract: Within 100 words in English.
Keywords: Please provide at least three keywords.
Contact Information of Supervisor (Only for Students): If you are a student, please provide the name, e-mail address, and phone number of your supervisor.
Poster Award/Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist: If you would like to apply, please select one of the awards and enter the date of birth (and the course too if you are a student) .

Notes: If you have any special requests on your presentation, such as inconvenient day(s) for your presentation during the meeting period or wishing to give a series of presentations consecutively from your research group, please notify it. In the case of the consecutive presentations, please write authors' name and title of presentation before your presentation. (Poster presentation date is 9/17(Tue)).

3) Abstract Upload

Please have your abstract ready using the template file (A4 sheet, 1 page) in MS Word format, which can be downloaded by clicking the button below. Then, convert it into a PDF file and submit through your account by the deadline.
Please note that the size of the abstract PDF file must be less than 5 MB.
No change in abstract will be accepted after the submission deadline.

4) Confirmation

Please confirm registered information, and click ‘Submit’.

Poster Award / Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist

Poster Award

Applicant: The applicant should be a university student (e.g. graduate or undergraduate student) or a researcher in university, institute, or company, and 35 years old or younger as of April 1, 2024, except for winners of 'young scientist awards' and 'oral presentation award for young scientist' this year and persons who have received 'poster award 'in the past divisional meetings of DCSC.
Review Process: The review of the award will be carried out in the following two stages. This year, the applicants are asked to make a short movie* about the about the content of the presentation.  In the first stage, the movie and the abstract will be evaluated. The applicants who pass the first stage will be evaluated by their presentaition at the poster session by judges chosen by the organizing committee.
*Details on making a short movie will be announced a later. (Applicants are asked to upload a 2-minute movie to the special website between early June and July 31). 

Application: Please select 'Apply for Poster Award' and enter the date of birth (and the course too if you are a student).

Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist

Applicant: The applicant should be a graduate student or a researcher in university, institute, or company, and 35 years old or younger as of April 1, 2024, except for winners of 'young scientist awards' and 'poster award' this year and persons who have received 'oral presentation award for young scientist' in the past divisional meetings of DCSC. Please note that, as a rule, only one Master's course student per supervisor can apply for the award.
Review Process: The evaluation will be conducted on the basis of abstract and presentation. 
Application: Please select 'Apply for Poster Award'  and enter the date of birth (and the course too if you are a student).
Note: Winners will be asked to introduce their researches on the quarterly newsletter of DSDC 'C&I Communication'.

Abstract Book

      • Submitted abstracts will be published in the form of electric abstract book.
      • The abstract book will be deposited in the National Diet Library in the booklet or electronic form.
      • The copyright of submitted abstract belongs to Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan.
      • The abstracts will not be made available to the public except in the manner described above at the moment, but may be open to the public on the web after a certain period of time.

Join the DCSC!

If you are not a member of the DCSC, now would be the best opportunity to join us as a member! Please be encouraged to apply for our member, before completing the registration process.
Engaging as a member has a lot of benefits as follows:
        • reduced conference registration rates
        • reduced registration rates for various seminars and symposiums the DCSC providing
        • can subscribe our quarterly newsletter.
Applications for membership are accepted via the following URL.


If you have any question and/or request, please contact the registration support.
E-mail: regist.dm@colloid.csj.jp