
[1] ALTECH Co., Ltd.

ALTECH Co., Ltd.

We provide a wide variety of research assisting solutions by proposing a variety of scientific instruments having cutting-edge technologies to our customers in the broad application areas from academic primary research on laboratory basis to commercial applied research aiming for production. Further to our traditional business in the field of interfacial chemistry, we are also developing a new business by giving unique product solutions to a wide range of relevant other application fields such as bioengineering, medical/life sciences, next-generation semiconductors, organic electronics, and environmental friendly solution development like water engineering and regeneration, all of which are being highly expected to create new markets through technological innovations in the coming future.

Here we are happy to introduce to you the following four product solutions as a method to solve your problems that may come up in your day-to-day research life.

1. QCM-D, Soft Matter Interaction Analyzer Tool In addition to normal QCM function of tracking a frequency (f), the Biolin Scientific’s QCM-D measuring instrument has a function of tracking a dissipation factor (D), a great technological leap from the conventional QCM measurement! It makes not only a simple mass calculation from frequency, but by utilizing the measured D factors also provides you with analytical information of physical property and structure of the films indicated as thickness and viscoelasticity. Thanks to this unique special feature Biolin Scientific’s QCM-D instrument has been regarded as a de-facto standard solution in the industry.

2. A new era for QCM-D ~QSense Omni ~
QSense Omni, the latest model in the QSense series, has been redesigned from the previous models to be more stylish in its appearance and functionality. Cutting-edge QSense Omni instrument that allows you to facility of easier data interpretation and a shorter journey to trustworthy results in your lab. Omni offers you more flexibility in configuration with its upgradability to more channels (maximum 4 channels). The latest model Omni has two main benefits, The first one is improved operability with controlled conditions. Basic operational tasks such as sensor mounting, sample injection, and fluidic cleaning are now all automated and integrated. Clever automation features will minimize the human resources as well as save time for hands-on preparation, leading as a result to minimization of the total experiment time and cost. Secondly, QSense Omni provides reliable and reproducible result. Omni has been designed to integrate the liquid flow path into main unit to make the pathway between sample injector and sensor chamber shortest, and thus minimizes the risk of cross-over effects and contamination to avoid data discrepancies due to manual mounting and removal of sensors that occurred in conventional models. In addition, the QSoft Omni software running in the background automatically checks quality and readiness of user’s experiment setup before starting the measurement, and the user can anticipate and prepare well in advance to increase the success rate of experiment. With these significant upgrades, Omni is expected to make experiments easier to perform and more fruitful to let our customers be ensured to progress their research with our innovative technology.

3. Langmuir-Blodget film fabrication instruments Biolin Scientific's KSVNIMA trough series is a well-known Langmuir-Blodget (LB) film fabrication instruments that has long occupied the position of global standard in the LB trough industry. We are happy to support various research needs from our customers by enabling film transfer to various size of substrates, from a piece of glass slide to 8-inch Si wafer, and now even Roll-to-Roll film can be adapted by our solution.

4. Contact Angle and Surface Tension metrology tool
Biolin Scientific's Attension series is a versatile, high-end contact angle and surface tension measurement solution that can be used for a variety of purposes from academic research studies to everyday quality control routines. With our wide available options, Attension makes not just a measurement of contact angle and surface tension alone but now also supports other measuring items having difficulty with conventional methods, such as captive bubble measurement (contact angle of bubble vs solid surface), wettability of powders and a thin single fiber, sliding angle measurement.
In addition, a new dispenser originally designed and manufactured by Biolin Scientific has been launched, enabling 1) droplet creation of as small as 0.01 µL, 2) droplet dispensing of highly viscous samples, 3) up to four dispensers, allowing measurement of multiple conditions at one time.

5. Multiparametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR) applied molecular interaction analyzer
Multiparametric Surface Plasmon Resonance (MP-SPR) is a real-time, label-free, and highly sensitive measuring technology that can monitor changes in the molecular structure and physical properties of the film formed at both wet (solid-liquid) and dry (solid-air) interfaces. It is typically known as an ideal analytical solution to studies of interactions between extremely low molecules. However, beyond such conventional SPR applications for drug discovery, we are happy to tell you MP-SPR now starts to cover a wide range of other new application areas such as development of biocompatible materials, nanoparticles, nano-cellulose, sensor development and many more!

For more information on the products introduced above, please access the following URL.

About QCM-D https://qsense.altech.jp/
About Langmuir-Blodget film fabrication instrument https://sentan.altech.jp/products/ksv-nima
About Contact Angle and Surface Tension metrology tool http://biolin.altech.jp/
About SPR https://sentan.altech.jp/products/bionavis
About other products https://sentan.altech.jp/

TELSumitomo Irifune Bldg 2F, 1-1 Irifune 2-chome, Chuo-ku,Tokyo 104-0042, Japan
Web site, SNS https://advanced.altech.jp/
[2] Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd.

Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd.

Otsuka Electronics has always been pioneering the frontier with the optics technologies. We have successfully developed the leading new technologies through close face-to-face interactions with our customers and paying attention to their needs. The technologies and knowledge have been accumulated over the years in the main businesses of medical, analytical and spectrometry equipments, since the establishment of our company.

The clinical testing equipment and medical devices are developed and manufactured in collaboration with Otsuka Pharmaceutical as well as other chemical reagent companies. We bring all the latest technologies together and contribute to better health and more prosperous lives for people.

The light-scattering method is applied as the core technology to analyze and measure the physical properties of new materials in nanoscale. With based on the measurement of particle size, zeta potential, and molecular weight, the applications range from new materials, bio-sciences, high-polymer chemistries, semiconductors, and medical sciences.

We manufacture not only multi-channel photo detectors, which represent the spectrometer technologies, but also the product lines available utilizing our extensive analytical knowledge. The portfolio of various new applications in wide range of industries continues to expand to reflect the diversifying customer needs.

We would like to introduce the following three products from our analytical and spectrometry instruments.

1.Zeta-potential & Particle size Analyzer ELSZneo ELSZneo is the high-end model of the ELSZ series. This instrument measures zeta potential and particle size of both diluted and concentrated solutions, and molecular weight of a polymer. As new features, ELSZneo provides a multi-angle measurement to improve the separability of particle size distribution, particle concentration measurement, microrheology measurement, and gel network analysis.
The zeta potential flat surface cell adopted a newly developed coating which enables measurement in a high salt concentration such as physiological saline. With the brand-new flat surface cell and ultra-micro volume cell that can measure particle size with a 3 μL of sample, ELSZneo is expanding the potential in the life science field.

2.Optical Thickness Meter OPTM series This instrument enables extremely precise analysis of film thickness and optical constants by measuring absolute spectral reflectance of microscopic regions.
Non-destructive and non-contact thickness measurement can be carried out on multilayered films and various coating layers including films, wafers, and optical materials.
Measurement speed is as fast as 1 second / point. Software is easy to use even for beginner users analyzing optical constants.

3.Three-Dimensional Optical Wave Field Microscope MINUK
MINUK is a microscopic observation instrument capable of observing optical wavefields—the amplitude and phase of light as a three-dimensional field.
【MINUK Features】
 1) Capable of observing clearly transparent scratches and foreign substances
   inside the transparent body
 2) Achieves both a wide 700 μm (vertical and horizontal) field of view and high
   0.5 μm xy resolution
 3) Measures one shot (minimum recording time less than 1 msec) over a wide
   area of 1400 μm in the z-direction
 4) Capable of digital refocusing, allowing stepless changes in focus after

3-26-3, Shodai-Tajika, Hirakata-shi, Osaka, 573-1132, Japan
Web site, SNS https://www.otsukael.com/
[3] Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd

Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd

Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. Exhibit Products
Optimization of the dispersion system is important for maintaining high quality, stability, and high functionality, and for this purpose, it is necessary to accurately understand the dispersion state. The factors that govern the dispersion state are mainly particle size, zeta potential, wetting of the particle interface, rheology, and stability. Taking advantage of our characteristics as an import trading company, Sanyo Trading imports and sells equipment that can evaluate these characteristics from excellent analytical equipment manufacturers around the world. In addition to laboratory use, we also offer online, inline, and explosion-proof models, providing customers with a total solution for distributed evaluation.

1. Particle Size Distribution and Zeta Potential
1)Model:Acoustic and Electro-acoustic particle size & Zeta potential analyzer (DT-1202)
When ultrasonic waves are applied to a particle dispersion system, the attenuation at each frequency changes depending on the particle size and distribution present in the dispersion system. This property is used to measure particle size. Additionally, when particles are vibrated by ultrasonic waves, the diffused electric double layer causes a polarization phenomenon due to the density difference between the particles and the continuous phase solvent. The current generated by this phenomenon is called colloid vibration current (CVI), and the zeta potential is measured by measuring this colloid vibration current.
- no dilution required: 0.1 to 50 vol%
- Particle size range: 5nm-1000μm (Zeta potential <100μm)
- Simultaneous measurement of particle size and zeta potential
- I.E.P, Evaluation of the amount of optimal surfactant
- Paste, Black and colorless and transparent slurry can be measured
- Variety options (Rheology, porosity, etc.
・URL:  https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/dt1202-dt-310-dt-300/

2)Model:Particle size / Zeta Potential / Molecular weight (BeNano Series)
・Overview: Utilize the principle of dynamic light scattering (DLS), electrophoretic light scattering (ELS), and static light scattering (SLS) to accurately measure particle size, zeta potential, and molecular weight.
・Features (Particle size)
- Particle size range: 0.3nm-15μm
- Minimum sample volume: 3μL
- Backscatter detection technology: multiple scattering effect reduction and high-precision measurement
- Measurement temperature: -15℃ to 110℃ (dry gas required when measuring below room temperature)
・Features (Zeta Potential)
- Accurate measurement of zeta potentials close to zero using PALS (Phase Analysis of Light Scattering)
- Highly accurate and stable measurement of samples with high salt concentration
- Optional auto titrator enables measurement by pH
・URL:  https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/benano-series/

3)Model:Disc centrifugal particle size Analyzer (CPS Disc Centrifuge Series)
For particles of the same density, the larger the size, the faster they will settle (Stokes' law). This device achieves high-precision, high-resolution particle size measurement by using the frequency-based sedimentation method, which classifies particles by size based on the difference in sedimentation velocity and then detects the particles.
・Features (Particle size)
- Particle size range: 10nm-40μm
- High resolution: Particle size difference 5% (for monodisperse particles, 2.5%)
- High accuracy: ±0.5%
- High sensitivity: 0.01μg ・URL:  https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/cps-disc-centrifuge/

4)Model:Zeta Potential Meter (502)
When an external voltage is applied to a colloidal dispersion solution, the charged particles move towards one or the other electrode. The zeta potential of particles is determined by visually measuring the migration speed of the particles through a microscope.
・Features (Particle size) - Particle size range: 20nm-50μm
- Visual measurement by microscope without black box
- Zeta potential distribution analysis possible by image analysis
- Non-aqueous cells can measure organic solvents with low dielectric constants
・URL:  https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/model502/

2. Wettability
1)Model:TD NMR Analyzer (Spin Mate)
This is a small and inexpensive TD-NMR (pulsed NMR) that overturns the image of large and expensive NMR. We measure the resonance relaxation time in nuclear magnetic resonance to evaluate the wettability of particle interfaces in dispersion solutions, and non-destructively evaluate the degree of crosslinking and crystallinity of solid polymer materials (resins, rubber, etc.).
- no dilution required
- Good reproducibility - Easy to use, simple software
- Measurement in a short time: Measure in tens of seconds to minutes
・URL:   https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/spinmate/

3. Particle Size and Morphology 1)Model:Probe type image analysis particle size and shape analyzer (SOPAT)
A probe microscope can be placed in the process to capture a particle image. Through automatic image processing, particle size, particle size distribution, aspect ratio and circularity can be determined. Since direct measurement to process, the effects of time history and dilution can be ignored, and reliable results can be obtained. If bubbles are mixed or particles with different colors are mixed, it is possible to obtain the particle size distribution separately each.
- In situ measurement
- Particle size distribution, shape parameters (aspect ratio, circularity etc.)
- No Dilution (However, depending on the sample property)
- Mixed particles measurement - High temperature, high pressure, acid/base and variety solvents - Process control
・URL:  https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/sopat-4/

4. Rheology
1)Model:High Frequency Rheometer (TriPAV)
TriPAV is a hermetically sealed high frequency rheometer capable of measuring the linear viscoelasticity (LVE) of inkjet inks, paints, enamels, volatile solvents, functional fluids, polymer solutions, and soft matter fluids such as blood, bio-fluids and protein solutions. TriPAV is the only rheometer that can measure the complex viscosity of inkjet inks at conditions that mimic those experienced in printhead channel.
- High frequency: up to 10,000Hz - Sample volume: < 0.1ml
- Measurement time: < 5 min
- Temperature control: +5 to +80℃
- No regular calibration required ・URL:  https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/detail/tripav/?taxo=special&parent_id=449

In addition to the above products, we also handle interfacial tension, powder properties, and various test equipment. Please visit our website.
Click Here→ https://www.sanyo-si.com/products/principle/

2-11, Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
Web site, SNS https://www.sanyo-trading.co.jp/eng/business/lifescience/
[4] Takeda Colloid Techno-Consulting Co., Ltd.

Takeda Colloid Techno-Consulting Co., Ltd.


Space Esaka II 3F Toyotsu-cho Suita-shi Osaka Japan
Web site, SNS https://www.takedacolloid.com/index.html
[5] Premium Analytical Instruments | Anton Paar

Premium Analytical Instruments | Anton Paar

Anton Paar Group is a company headquartered in the Republic of Austria and will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2022. More than 4,200 employees in 11 manufacturing subsidiaries and 35 branches around the world work hard every day to meet the high reputation of our products. Our strengths are our technological competence in producing high-precision products and our long-standing strong ties with academic research. These two factors ensure the excellent quality of Anton Paar's instruments. In addition, a strong sales network in more than 110 countries around the world provides customers with prompt support and answers to inquiries about applications and services.

Anton Paar Japan Co., Ltd., a 100% owned Japanese subsidiary, was established in 2009 to expand after-sales support for Japanese customers. The company is headquartered in Sumida-ku, Tokyo and has office in Osaka as well. Anton Paar develops, manufactures, and offers highly accurate laboratory instruments and process measurement systems. We also provide automation and robotics solutions tailored to our customers' needs. Anton Paar is a world leader in density, concentration, CO2, and rheology.

At this conference, we will introduce particle size distribution and zeta potential meters and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) instruments as tools for analyzing colloid structure, as well as rheometers as tools for analyzing rheological properties.

[Particle size analyzer/zeta potential analyzer]
Anton Paar offers two different measurement principles for characterizing particles from the nm to mm range. The Litesizer series uses light scattering to measure the particle size of nanoparticles and microparticles in dispersions as well as the zeta potential, transmittance, molecular weight, and refractive index.
The PSA series uses laser diffraction and scattering to measure particle size in dispersions and dry powders from the μm to mm range. These two products enable comprehensive and comprehensive particle characterization.

Solid surface zeta potential measured with SurPASS™ 3 allows prediction of electrostatic attraction or repulsion between solutes and solid surfaces. Furthermore, the Litesizer™ can measure the zeta potential of nanoparticles, which is commonly used as an indicator of the stability of colloidal dispersions. Zeta potential generally describes the surface charge and functionality and is a prerequisite for determining the isoelectric point of a substance. In addition to the traditional applications of zeta potential, Anton Paar has established correlations to the conductivity, porosity, and swelling of materials.

[Small Angle X-ray Scattering(SAXS)]
Anton Paar's small-angle X-ray scattering systems SAXSpoint 5.0 and SAXSpace employ excellent X-ray sources and optics to generate X-ray beams with excellent spectral purity and flux. Parasitic scattering-reduced beam collimation in combination with state-of-the-art hybrid photon counting (HPC) detectors ensures high signal-to-noise ratios and excellent overall data. They also offer the most comprehensive and versatile sample stages for nanostructured samples. Whether you are studying nanostructured surfaces, performing tensile tests, structural studies under temperature/humidity/pressure control, or gas response measurements, Anton Paar's SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/RheoSAXS systems offer the ultimate flexibility for characterizing nanostructured samples.

[Rheometer & Rheo-PI Option]
The latest MCR rheometer series first and foremost further expands the range of possibilities for rheological measurements. Whatever your current and future rheological requirements, the modularity of the MCR rheometers means they can be efficiently and easily adapted and expanded along with your needs, from routine quality control to high-end research and development. Investing in an MCR rheometer is a safe investment in technology with a long history. For example, the air-bearing-supported EC motor was developed by Anton Paar and has been used in all MCR models for over 25 years, ensuring precision over a wide viscosity range. This allows you to measure liquids with viscosities even lower than water and characterize hard materials such as polymer composites and steel with DMA measurements, and everything in between.

Anton Paar Japan and Photonic-lattice have jointly developed a new rheo-optical measurement system (Rheo-High-speed Polarization Imaging, Rheo-PI) based on two-dimensional polarization analysis. By introducing a polarized high-speed camera to the rheometer, it is now possible to measure the shear-induced phase transition of emulsion dispersions under shear flow, as well as the retardation distribution and orientation axis distribution of the orientation properties in real time.
In this technical seminar, we will introduce the overview and principle of this device, as well as measurement examples.

1st Fl, Riverside Sumida, 1-19-9 Tsutsumi-dori, Sumida-ku, 1310034 Tokyo, JAPAN
Web site, SNS https://www.anton-paar.com/corp-en/