Session Details

[3poster50-64]T16 [Topic Session]History of Earth)

Tue. Sep 10, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 10, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
T16_poster(General Education_Section3 1-2Floors)

[T16-P-2]Attempt to constrain the depositional age of the Upper Cretaceous strata in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia: apatite U-Pb dating of dinosaur teeth

*Rei NISHIMURA1, Kentaro CHIBA2, Kazumasa AOKI3, Tetsu KOGISO4 (1. Okayama University of Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, 2. Okayama University of Science, Faculty of Biosphere-Geosphere Science, 3. Okayama University of Science, Center for Fundamental Education, 4. Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies)

[T16-P-3]Calcite U-Pb Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate Rocks from the Upper Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia

*Yudai FUJII1, Kazumasa AOKI2, Kentaro CHIBA3, Khishigjav TSOGTBAATAR4, Buuve MAINBAYAR4, Batsaikhan BUYANTEGSH4, Mototaka SANEYOSHI3 (1. Okayama University of Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, 2. Center for Fundamental Education, Okayama University of Science, 3. Faculty of Biosphere-Geosphere Science, Okayama University of Science, 4. Institute of Paleontology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)

[T16-P-4]Distribution and controlling factors of recent deep-sea benthic foraminifera in southern part of Okinawa Trough

*Chika ONAI1, Koji KAMEO1, Daisuke KUWANO2, Makoto OTSUBO3, Masataka KINOSHITA4, KH-23-11 shipboard scientists (1. Chiba Univ., 2. Kyoto Univ. , 3. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 4. ERI, The University of Tokyo)

[T16-P-8]Biogenic carbon in hydrothermally altered granitoids in the end-Cretaceous (IODP Exp.364 "Chicxulub Impact Crater")

*Sakino YAMAGATA1, Kosei Yamaguchi1,2, Minoru Ikehara3 (1. Toho Univ., 2. NASA Astrobiology Institute, 3. Kochi Univ.)

[T16-P-9]Planktic foraminiferal assemblages in the Kuromatsunai Formation distributed in western Hokkaido, northern Japan

*Makoto YAMASAKI1, Shu OZAWA3, Naoki NEMOTO2, Chieko SHIMADA (1. Graduate school of International Resource Sciences, Akita University, 2. Graduate School of Science and Technology Hirosaki University, 3. NJS Co.)

[T16-P-10]Paleoenvironmental records of pelagic shallow-water sediments at the Smithian- Spathian boundary

*Riki MURATA1, Akihiro Kano2, Tsukasa Takahashi3, Ryosuke Saito1 (1. Yamaguchi University , 2. University of Tokyo, 3. Shikoku Seiyo Geopark)

[T16-P-11]Effects on the Japan Sea sediments of the evolution of the Monsoon Climate System in Eastern Asia: Implications from Fe and P speciation analyses

*Masato Nosakon1, Saeka Masuda1, Kosei Yamaguchi1, Satoshi Takahashi2 (1. Toho university, 2. Nagoya university)

[T16-P-13]Evidence for Archean oxygenic-photosynthesis by 2D mapping by imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS)

*Keiichiro ISHIKAWA1, Kosei E YAMAGUCHI1, Tomoyo OKUMURA2, Akira IJIRI3 (1. Toho Univ, 2. Marine Core Research Institute, Kochi Univ, 3. Kobe Univ)

[T16-P-14]Stratigraphy and age of the Upper Triassic Kamura limestone succession in the Chichibu Belt, Takachiho, Japan

*Kousei Hisatsune1, Tetsuji Onoue1, Rigo Manuel2 (1. Kyushu University, 2. Padova University)

[T16-P-15]Reconstruction of paleoceanographic environments in the western tropical Indian Ocean since the late Miocene

*Shin-ichi KAMIKURI1, Kenji M. MATSUZAKI2 (1. Ibaraki University, 2. University of Tokyo)