Session Details

Social / Culture

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:50 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1B-015-PC]Recognition of Self-advocacy through Participation in the Digital Storytelling Program

*Motoko Honda-Howard1, Saori Kusumoto1 (1. Showa Women's University, Graduate School of Psychology Program)

[1B-016-PC]The examination of relations between social exclusion and implicit individual factors using fMRIusing cyber ball task and implicit association test

*Haruki Yokota1, Naoaki Kawakami1, Tomokazu Tsurugizawa2, Miyuki Aiba3, Daichi Sugawara1, Yuki Shiratori1, Hirokazu Tachikawa1 (1. Univ. of Tsukuba, 2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3. Toyo Gakuen Univ.)

[1B-017-PC]The influence of lack of feedback on the deletion of creative works posted on SNSFocusing on the effects of narcissism

*Haruki Ariumi1, Yusuke Takahashi1 (1. Kyoto University)

[1B-018-PC]Examining the impact of differences in the text of SNS advertisements on brand image and purchasing intentionBased on stealth marketing and text credibility

*Ayae Oi1, Masataka Higuchi1 (1. Sophia graduate school)

[1B-019-PC]The Meaning of Twitter Tanka Poetry Space for Those Who Create and Appreciate Twitter Tanka Poetry

*Shiori Wada1, Reiji Sasaki1 (1. Kyushu University)

[1B-020-PC]A Study on Myside Bias in Cause Attribution for my country's Match Results in World Cup SoccerMyside Biases that patriotism, nationalism, and identity fusion with Japanese teams have on the causal attribution of Japanese soccer match results

*Tetsuo Onodera1 (1. Tokyo Professional University of Health Sciences)

[1B-021-PC]Social acceptance of the HSP concept from the questions posted on a community Q&A website Part 2Using multidimensional scaling

*Kai Sawada1, Yoshikazu Fukui2, Tomomi Nakatani1 (1. Graduate School of Konan Univ., 2. Konan Univ.)

[1B-022-PC]What impression do idols give?Analysis of the structure of idol stereotypes

*Haruki Takada1 (1. Iryo Sousei University)

[1B-023-PC]Life history of Japanese Brazilian immigrants in Aotearoa New ZealandA qualitative study using PEN-A (photo inducing narrative approach)

*Igor De Almeida1, Masanori Ishimori2, Gen Nakao2 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Otemon Gakuin University)

[1B-024-PC]A Study of Japanese Migrants Living in New Zealand (2)Analysis of meal photographs of nine people living in a regional city

*Masanori Ishimori1, DE ALMEIDA Igor2, Gen Nakao1 (1. Otemon Gakuin University, 2. Kyoto University)

[1B-025-PC]Preliminary study of the impact of “on” emotion to the company on well-being management.

*Junichi Yamamoto1, Sota Asanuma2, Shugo Sugawara1, Kaori Watanabe1 (1. NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd., 2. AKKODiS Consulting Ltd.)

[1B-026-PC]The Impact of Management Philosophy Pervasion on Employee Well-BeingCausal Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling

*Shugo Sugawara1, Jun-ichi Yamamoto1, Kaori Watanabe1, Souta Asanuma2 (1. NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd., 2. AKKODiS Consulting Ltd.)

[1B-027-PC]The impact of gender information disclosure on assistance on sanctions against harassmentA study in the context of crowdfunding platforms

*Tomoyuki Kobayashi1, Yurika Ono2, Masanori Oikawa3 (1. Fukushima Medical University, 2. Kyoto Tachibana University, 3. Doshisha University)

[1B-028-PC]The impact of gender information disclosure on supportA study in the context of crowdfunding platforms

*Yurika Ono1, Tomoyuki Kobayashi2, Masanori Oikawa3 (1. Kyoto Tachibana University, 2. Fukushima Medical University, 3. Doshisha University)

[1B-029-PC]Marital relationship evaluation, parental identity, and parenting emotion after the birth of the first child in relation to the couple's desire to have a second child (1)Study of fathers after the birth of their first child

*Tomomi Yamashita1, Yuri Ishida1, Akiko Kato1 (1. Jumonji University)

[1B-030-PC]Marital relationship evaluation, parental identity, and parenting emotion after the birth of the first child in relation to the couple's desire to have a second child (2)-Study of mothers after the birth of their first child-

*Akiko KATO1, Tomomi YAMSHITA1, Yuri ISHIDA1 (1. Jumonji University)

[1B-032-PC]Avatar Design and Self-Presentation

*Erika Watanabe1 (1. Ritsumeikan University)

[1B-033-PC]The effects of aloneliness on aggression:The mediator role of autonomic nervous function and mood

*Jingxuan WU1, Yusuke Murakami2 (1. Graduate School of Psychology, Kansai University, 2. Faculty of Letters, Kansai University)

[1B-034-PC]Variety and logical structure of bullying from the viewpoint of Group Dynamics

*Ichiro Yatsuzuka1 (1. Kumamoto Univ.)

[1B-035-PC]Pluralistic ignorance in bullying bystander behavior (3)A Comparison of the Distribution of Responses by Questioning Method

*Miyuki Yukura1, Tsutomu Inagaki2, Takaya Kohyama3 (1. Kagoshima University, 2. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, 3. Doshisha University)

[1B-036-PC]Dose Internet Use Affect Symbolic ableism Against People with Disability?

*Yuma Honda1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[1B-037-PC]Spontaneous Occurrence of Division of Labor during Internship

*Ryushin Iha1 (1. Toyo University)

[1B-038-PC]An examination of the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Online Moral Disengagement Scale

*Takahiro Kubo1, Erika Yoshimoto1, Saito Hiroki1, Saki Katagiri1, Akina Yamaoka2 (1. Yokohama National University, 2. Okinawa International University)

[1B-039-PC]“Cosplay” and need for uniqueness

*Shigeyuki Yamaoka1 (1. Seitoku University)

[1B-040-PC]Changes in Sub-Skills Scores with Training for Communication SkillsAn Examination Using the Teamwork Competency Improvement Program

*Asami Watanabe1 (1. Toyo Eiwa University)

[1B-041-PC]What does people think about conversation after pandemic of COVID-19 ?

*Junko Matsumoto1 (1. Nagano College of Nursing)

[1B-042-PC]Examining Preference Reversals with Contrast ModelA study using monitoring information acquisition

*Shiho Ishibe1, Yuki Tamari2, Keita Kawasugi3, Hajime Murakami4, Takashi Ideno5, Kazuhisa Takmura3 (1. LTS, Inc., 2. University of Shizuoka, 3. Waseda University, 4. Hokkai-Gakuen University, 5. Tokyo University of Science)