Session Details


Sat. Sep 7, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sat. Sep 7, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[2C-043-PI]Wisdom of Crowds including children and adults

*Daisuke Hamada1, Yusuke Moriguchi2 (1. Otemae university, 2. Kyoto university)

[2C-044-PI]Are eyes special?Investigating the role of social cues in a spatial Stroop task

*Yoshihiko Tanaka1,2, Matia Okubo1,3 (1. Senshu University, 2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 3. Victoria University of Wellington)

[2C-045-PI]A Study of Cup Size and Gaze on Collision Avoidance Decision Making Using Eye Gaze Measurement DevicesExamination of the relationship between the characteristics of ADHD and ASD

*Fumiko Gotoh1, Sousuke Miyamoto2, Masaaki Arai1 (1. Den-en Chofu University, 2. Meiji Gakuin University)

[2C-046-PI]Effect of presentation position on spatial congruency effect of gaze and arrow stimuli

*Yuko Asai1, Kazuhito Yoshizaki2 (1. Graduate School of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku University, 2. Department of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku University)

[2C-047-PI]The EEG study on the effect of titles on the aesthetic evaluation of poetry

*Shodai Maruyama1, Tomohiro Ishizu2 (1. Grad. School of Psychology, Kansai Univ., 2. Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Kansai Univ.)

[2C-048-PI]The effect of children's facial recognition on “theory of mind” development

*Hayato Nakayama1, Yutaka Yamamura1, Miyazato Shota1, Miyashita Tatsuya2, Hoshida Yuya3 (1. J. F. Oberlin University, 2. Nihon University, 3. Teikyo Gakuen Junior College)

[2C-049-PI]Time perspective and motivations to learnExamination of the motivation to get knowledge for the emotional control

*Etsuko T Harada1,2, Tomoyasu Sawada1, Junpei Gotoh1 (1. University of Tsukuba, 2. Idealab Inc.)

[2C-050-PI]Effects of Stimulus Order and Trial Sequence on Reaction Time in Attention Control Tasks by Fill-in formComparison of 20's,50's,60's

*Yuki Ashitaka1, Megumi Watanabe2 (1. West Japan Railway Company, 2. Tokiwa Univ.)

[2C-051-PI]Effects of morphological similarity on self-face information processing

*Sara Yamamoto1, Tatsuru Kawachi1, Yousuke Kawachi1 (1. Tohoku university)

[2C-052-PI]Does social cognition contribute to the propensity for spontaneous visual perspective taking?

*Hiroyuki Muto1,2, Masayoshi Nagai2 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University, 2. Ritsumeikan University)

[2C-053-PI]Photo Editing and Emotional ExpressionThe Role of Editor Skills and Desired Emotional Types on Color Choices

*Haruki Horiguchi1, Tomohiro Yamashita1, Hiroyuki Tsuda1 (1. Doshisha university)

[2C-054-PI]Relationship between Social Anxiety, Attentional Bias, and Metacognition

*Mariko Kikutani1, Yuanfeng Li2 (1. Kanazawa University, Insititute of Liberal Arts and Science, 2. Kanazawa University, Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies)

[2C-055-PI]Eye contact perception of social anxiety individuals from a face wearing sanitary mask.

*Yuna Tsutsui1, Masato Nunoi1 (1. Sugiyama Jogakuen University)

[2C-056-PI]On the real-life significance of the underestimation of the probability of minority inclusion

*Ryosuke Niimi1 (1. Niigata University)