Session Details

Social / Culture

Sun. Sep 8, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:50 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:50 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3B-001-PC]Causes of Patients' Anger Towards Physicians in Medical InterviewsThe Association with the Legitimacy Evaluation of Anger

*Shingo Abe1 (1. Kansai University)

[3B-002-PC]People are our greatest asset, supports for supervisor and subordinate are our best investmentThe trickle-down effect of perceived organizational support in the organization-supervisor-subordinate relationship

*Mitsuhiko Nita1, Kei Fuji2 (1. Recruit Management Solutions Co., Ltd., 2. Tukuba University)

[3B-003-PC]Are we causing others as much trouble as we think?Cultural differences in overestimating the relational outcomes of support seeking

*Kuan-Ju Huang1,2, Yukiko Uchida1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

[3B-004-PC]Development of a scale for immersion in fave: Examination of the correlativity with self-affirmation

*Ayaka Shigeto1, Nozomi Inoue1, Kyoko Sumioka1 (1. Okayama University)

[3B-005-PC]The effect of regulatory fit on organizational citizenship behaviorFrom the perspective of individual regulatory focus and organizational climate

*Misako Mitsumura1, Hiroto Takagi1 (1. Aichi Gakuin University)

[3B-007-PC]Can the Subconscious Understand Sociality?- A Study Using Subliminal Video Stimuli. -

*Sousuke Miyamoto1 (1. Meiji Gakuin University)

[3B-008-PC]Assessing smartphone addiction tendency with the Implicit Association Test (4)A study using a web-based experiment with high school students

*Hirotsune Sato1, Junichiro Kawahara2 (1. Shinshu University, 2. Hokkaido University)

[3B-010-PC]An attempt to analyze utterances using SBAR in conversation scenes for interprofessional collaboration

*Takashi Matsuo1, Rie Yoshida2 (1. The University of Kitakyushu, 2. Kumamoto Health Science University)

[3B-011-PC]Examining the validity of the Facial Expressions of Emotion decoding Test with various Intensity (FEET-I)

*Yunoshin Shimizu1, kazumi Ogawa2, Masanori Kimura3, Ken Fujiwara4, Nobuyuki Watanabe5 (1. Graduate school, Aichi Shukutku University, 2. Aichi Shukutoku University, 3. Kobe College, 4. National Chung Cheng University, 5. Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

[3B-012-PC]Development of the diversity acceptance scale


[3B-013-PC]Cultural differences in helping behavior in interpersonal communicationFocusing on Japan and Korea

*Jiwon Shin1 (1. Kanda University of International Studies)

[3B-014-PC]Establishing shared reality with conversational AI

*Sayaka Suga1, Naoya Tabata2, Sousuke Miyamoto3 (1. Keio University, 2. Aichi Gakuin University, 3. Meiji Gakuin University)

[3B-015-PC]SNS addiction among university students:The relationship between dependency tendency and self-other consciousness

*Yumeka Takatsuka1, Chieko Yoshihara2 (1. Den-en Chofu University Graduate, 2. Nihon Fukushi University)

[3B-016-PC]What Kind of Compromises Have College Students Experienced throughout the Formation Process of Their Early Careers?: Difference in Career Formation Process Typologies

*Wenjing Liu1, *Tadahiro Ito2 (1. Graduate School of Humanities, Gakushuin University, 2. Gakushuin University)

[3B-017-PC]Associations between Body Image and Self-compassion in emerging adults

*Meng Heyu1, Manaka Naoe1, Saori Nishikawa1 (1. Kumamoto University)

[3B-018-PC]Utilizing Large Language Models to Analyze Interaction Processes in Comments on COVID-19 Related Videos

*Masashi Komori1,3, Asako MIura2,3 (1. Osaka Electro-Communication University, 2. Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka Univ., 3. CiDER, Osaka Univ.)

[3B-019-PC]Impact of risk perception of isolation and poverty for help-seeking among single middle-aged and older adultsExamining risk perception paradox

*Yoh Murayama1, Sachiko Yamazaki2, Masami Hasebe3, Erika Kobayashi1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2. Bunkyo Gakuin University, 3. Seigakuin University)

[3B-020-PC]Intelligence of solitaries–Effects of solitude, authoritarianism, and materialistic view of the self on the accuracy of social judgment–

*Mikiya Meisei-University Hayashi1 (1. Meisei University)

[3B-021-PC]The correlation between Physical Self Image, Mate Value and Tactics and Acts of Mate Retention in Men

*Justin Kai White1, Shinji Yamagata1 (1. Nagoya University Graduate School of Education and Human Development)