Session Details
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)
[3C-050-PO]Examination of the validity and reliability of a Japanese version of the Sexual Consent Scale-Revised
*Yasumasa Kosaka1, Ami Ishiwata (1. Wako University)
[3C-051-PO]Infantile Novelty Preferences to Infant Language and Social DevelopmentA longitudinal study of preterm infants
*Junko Kawahito1, Yukihiko Konishi1, Kotori Yamane1, Takashi Kusaka1 (1. Kagawa University)
[3C-052-PO]Do critical thinking disposition affect the psychological adaptation of first-time parents?Focus on the Internet for childcare.
*Yumiko Nishio Nishio1, Fumikazu Furumi2 (1. Kio University, 2. Shizuoka University)
[3C-053-PO]The effect of facial expressions on spontaneous trait inferenceAn examination using the relearning paradigm
*Lue Cheng1, Ai Mizokawa2 (1. Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, 2. Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University)
[3C-054-PO]Child-like and Adult-like Characteristics in the Order of DrawingAn Investigation Using Feature Extraction Method
*Zijian Tian1, Takeshi Kishiyama1, Tzu-yin Chen2, Yuki Hirose1, Michiru Makuuchi3 (1. the University of Tokyo, 2. the University of Aizu, 3. 3National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities)
[3C-055-PO]What are the characteristics of a partner who has a high psychological Sense of “Ibasyo” (one’s psychological place) even with an insecure attachment style?
*Mizuki Kawai1, Kazuhisa Nagaya2 (1. Graduate school of Education, Yamaguchi Univ, 2. Yamaguchi Univ)
[3C-056-PO]The romantic maintenance processes of adolescents with insecure attachment styles-Trajectory Equifinality Model-
*Yiyuan Wang1, Yuko Yato2 (1. College of Comprehensive Psychology,Ritsumeikan Univ., 2. Graduate School of Human Science,Ritsumeikan Univ.)
[3C-057-PO]Disuse type persons of situational changeovers maybe naive.Comparison of number of friends, diversity orientation, loneliness, intrapsychic guilt, and interpersonal friction among the four types of situational changeovers in friendship relations.
*Munehiro Ohtani1 (1. The Joint Graduate School (Ph.D. Program) in Science of School Education Hyogo University of Teacher Education)
[3C-058-PO]Childcare and education teachers' interpretations of infants’ and toddlers’ inquiry scenes 2The relationship between interpretations of inquiry scenes and epistemological beliefs in science
*Keiko Takiguchi1 (1. Kanazawa University)
[3C-059-PO]A longitudinal study of predictors of career choices among ECEC teachersDifferences between leaving the ECEC field and changing the workplace in one year
*Yuko Matsuda1, Shoko Hamada2 (1. University of Tsukuba, 2. Hijiyama University)
[3C-060-PO]Association of personality and lonliness with maternal gatekeeping
*Hajime Iwasa1, Yuko Yoshida2, Kayoko Ishii1 (1. Fukushima Medical University, 2. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
[3C-061-PO]Development of "Tomoiku Platform," a childcare support system based on AI nursery teachers and potential nursery teachers, with the aim of reducing mothers' childcare anxietyToward Social Implementation of Eco-Systems to Solve Mothers' Childcare Problems
*Kenkichi Takase1, *Yukako Takemura2, *Momo Homma1 (1. Chuo University, 2. tomoiku Inc.)
[3C-063-PO]How should we do in order to get the sense of personal growth when we conflict whether continue to pursue goals or disengage?Longitudinal study using latent growth modeling
*Keigo Osamura1, Miki Toyama1 (1. University of Tsukuba)