Presentation Information
[P-020]Phenotypic variations in the thymus and heart of mice with mutations in the evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequences WRPW and FPVQ in Ripply3Ripply3の進化的に保存されたアミノ酸配列WRPWとFPVQに変異をもつマウスの胸腺と心臓の表現型解析
*Daisuke Narita1, Ryusuke Ishizuka1, Yosuke Kajiyama1, Yudai Yabe1, Shinji Takada2, Tadashi Okubo1 (1. Kitasato University School of Medicine, Department of Laboratory Animal Science, 2. National Institute for Basic Biology and Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, NINS)
pharyngeal arch,thymus development,heart development,Ripply3