Session Details

Poster Presentation 01

Thu. Jun 20, 2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Thu. Jun 20, 2024 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Poster & Exhibition(Miyako Messe(B1F)/B1 Exhibition Hall)
Mounting:13:30-15:30 on Day1 (June 19 (Wed))
June 20 (Thu) Discussion 01:
14:00-15:00 for odd number posters
15:00-16:00 for even number posters
June 21 (Fri) Discussion 02:
14:30-15:30 for even number posters
15:30-16:305 for odd number posters
Removal:9:00-12:00 on Day4 (June 22 (Sat))

[P-001]Involvement of DDX4 and HDLBP proteins in the progression of meiosis through translational regulation of mRNAs in mouse oocytes

*Takahiro Sanada1, Tomoya Kotani1,2 (1. Biosystem Sci. Course, Grad. Sch. of Life Sci., Hokkaido Univ., 2. Dept. of Bio. Sci., Faculty of Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)

[P-002]Investigation of the mechanism underlying the long-term maintenance of undifferentiated germ cells for testicular regeneration in newtsイモリで観察される精巣の再生現象をモデルとした未分化な生殖細胞を維持する機構の研究

*Mai Takehara1,2, Mitsuki Kyakuno2,3, Mizuki Honda4, Kazuko Okamoto1,2, Ichiro Tazawa1,2, Yukio Sato5, Takashi Takeuchi5, Nobuaki Furuno1,2, Yasuyuki Ohkawa6, Shinya Oki4, Takuya Imamura1, Toshinori Hayashi1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. of Integrated Science for Life, Hiroshima Univ., 2. Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima Univ., 3. Fac. of Life and Environmental Sci, Shimane Univ., 4. Dept. of Drug Discovery Medicine, Grad. Sch. of Medicine, Kyoto Univ., 5. Sch. of Life Sci., Fac. of Med., Tottori Univ., 6. Div. of Transcriptomics, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu Univ.)

[P-003]Importin13 is required for the mouse germ cell developmentマウス生殖細胞の発生過程におけるImportin13の役割について

Yasuka L. Yamaguchi1, Patrick PL Tam2, Hiroshi Kiyonari3, *Satomi S. Tanaka1 (1. Kumamoto Health Sci. Univ., 2. CMRI, Univ. of Sydney, Australia, 3. RIKEN BDR)

[P-004]Maintenance of NANOS2 protein after termination of transcription is required for normal initiation of spermatogenesis胎生期で転写終了後に維持されるNANOS2タンパク質は生後の精子形成に必須である

*Yumiko Saga1 (1. National Institute of Genetics)

[P-005(PB02-19)]Avian primordial germ cell extravasation is driven by membrane bleb formation via the SOCE system.ニワトリ始原生殖細胞の血管外遊出はSOCEシステムを介した膜ブレブによって駆動される。

*Mizuki Morita1, Manami Morimoto1, Junichi Ikenouchi1, Bertrand Pain2, Yuji Atsuta1, Yoshiki Hayashi1, Takayuki Teramoto1, Daisuke Saito1 (1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 2. Univ Lyon, Université Lyon 1, INSERM, INRA, Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute)

[P-007]Single-cell mechanical properties of early Xenopus embryos measured by atomic force microscopy

*Miki Yamamoto1, Takahiro Kotani1, Yuki Miyata1, Yosuke Tsuboyama1, Takayoshi Yamamoto2, Tatsuo Michiue2, Takaharu Okajima1 (1. Graduate School / Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, 2. Graduate School / Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Life Sciences, Tokyo University)

[P-008]Live imaging-based force inference of cell-cell interaction in early embryos and cell sheetsライブイメージングデータを用いた細胞間相互作用の力の推定

*Hiroshi Koyama1,2, Toshihiko Fujimori1,2 (1. Div. Embryology, National Institute for Basic Biology, 2. SOKENDAI (Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies))

[P-009]Dynamic remodeling of the uterine epithelium during implantation of the mouse embryo.マウス胚の着床時に起こる子宮内膜上皮のリモデリング

*jun sakurai1,2, Youko Higuchi1, Azusa Kato1, Toshihiko Fujimori1,2 (1. National Institute for Basic Biology, 2. SOKENDAI)

[P-010]The effects of maternal age on body axis formation in Xenopus tropicalisネッタイツメガエルの体軸形成における母体年齢の影響

Hinako Kato1,2, Nanoka Suzuki1, Takeshi Igawa1,2, Hajime Ogino1,2, *Makoto Suzuki1,2 (1. Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima Univ. , 2. Grad. Sch. of Integ. Sci. for Life., Hiroshima Univ.)

[P-011]Identification of mechanisms underlying left-right symmetry breaking in the embryonic midgut using an image-standardization technique in Drosophila.画像標準化技術を用いたショウジョウバエ胚中腸における左右非対称化の機構に関する研究

*Takamasa Higashi1, Dongsun Shin1, Takuya Nomura1, Florian Neugebauer1, Mikiko Inaki1, Kenji Matsuno1 (1. Osaka University)

[P-013]ATXN10, a Wnt5a downstream factor, is involved in the process of mouse embryo implantationWnt5aの下流因子ATXN10はマウス胚着床過程に寄与する

*Rieko Ajima1,2, Takaya Abe3, Toshihiko Fujimori1,2 (1. National Institute for Basic Biology, 2. SOKENDAI, 3. RIKEN BDR)

[P-014(PB01-02)]Characteristic cell blebbing behaviors and associated cell surface fluctuations observed in zebrafish gastrulationゼブラフィッシュ原腸形成過程において観察された特徴的な細胞ブレブ挙動

*Ayaka Miyahara1, Toshiyuki Mitsui1, Yuuta Moriyama1,2 (1. Aoyama Gakuin University , 2. JST, PREST)

[P-015(PB01-03)]Exploring the molecular mechanisms of evolutionarily
acquired body axis elongation in snakes.

*shin sato1 (1. Osaka Metropolitan University)

[P-016(PB01-04)]Visualization and manipulation of Nodal and Dand5 proteins secreted from the left-right organizer in zebrafish embryoゼブラフィッシュ胚の左右軸オーガナイザーから分泌されるNodalおよびDand5タンパク質の可視化と操作

*Takafumi Ikeda1, Toru Kawanishi2, Hiroyuki Takeda3 (1. Institute for Protein Dynamics, Kyoto Sangyo University, 2. School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 3. Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)

[P-017(PB01-05)]Blastocoel expansion and AMOT downregulation cooperatively promote YAP nuclear localization during epiblast formation in preimplantation embryosマウス着床前胚のエピブラスト形成過程において胞胚腔の拡大とAMOTの発現減少がYAPの核移行を協調的に制御する

*Hinako Maeda1, Masakazu Hashimoto1, Hiroshi Sasaki1 (1. FBS, Osaka Univ)

[P-018]Assembly of development - inducing human morphogenesis in spatially and temporally controlled microenvironments発生を合成~人工微小環境の時空間制御とそれを利用したヒト形態形成の再現

*ZHE WANG1 (1. Kyoto-U)

[P-019]Adopting the self-organising PAR polarity to extrinsic stimuli during germline cell development

*Kazunori Yamamoto1, Fumio Motegi1 (1. Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University)

[P-020]Phenotypic variations in the thymus and heart of mice with mutations in the evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequences WRPW and FPVQ in Ripply3Ripply3の進化的に保存されたアミノ酸配列WRPWFPVQに変異をもつマウスの胸腺と心臓の表現型解析

*Daisuke Narita1, Ryusuke Ishizuka1, Yosuke Kajiyama1, Yudai Yabe1, Shinji Takada2, Tadashi Okubo1 (1. Kitasato University School of Medicine, Department of Laboratory Animal Science, 2. National Institute for Basic Biology and Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, NINS)

[P-021]Molecular and Mechanical Mechanisms Driving Columnar-to-squamous Epithelial Transformation

*Chun Wai Kwan1, Michiko Takeda 1, Yu-Chiun Wang1 (1. RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research)

[P-022]The Role of Pdx Genes in the Developmental Process of the Newt Pancreasイモリの膵臓発生過程におけるPdx遺伝子のはたらき

*Ryosuke Morozumi1,2, Mitsuki Kyakuno1,2,5, Hitoshi Uemasu3, Nanoka Suzuki1,2, Yasuhiro Kamei4, Ichiro Tazawa1,2, Nobuaki Furuno1,2, Noriyuki Nanba3, Hajime Ogino1,2, Kazuko Okamoto1,2, Toshinori Hayashi 1,2 (1. Hiroshima University, 2. Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima Uni., 3. Fac.of Medi.,Tottori Uni., 4. National Inst. of Basic Bio., 5. Fac. of Life Env. Sci., Shimane Uni.)

[P-023]Wave frequency-regulated patterning of peristaltic movement in the embryonic gutニワトリ胚の腸における蠕動波の周波数に依存した蠕動運動パターンの形成

*Koji Kawamura1 (1. Kyoto university)

[P-024]Exploring the mechanism of optic vesicle evagination in mouse ES cell-derived retinal organoids

*Sristilekha Nath1, Satoru Okuda2 (1. Division of Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University, 2. Nano Life Science Insitute, Kanazawa University)

[P-025]Cilk1 regulates tooth patterning by modulating Shh pathway

*Minjae Kyeong1, Dinuka Adasooriya1, Shiqi Kan1, Sung-Won Cho1 (1. Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Department of Oral biology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry)

[P-026]The interaction of cytoskeletal and adhesive forces in shaping the hexagonal tiling of the insect compound eye

*Steven Ray Davis1, Makoto Sato1 (1. Kanazawa Unversity)

[P-027]Attempt to detect signaling of cellular communications during gemmule formation of freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilisカワカイメンの”芽球形成”過程におけるシグナル関連分子の時空間発現解析

*Kaede Okamoto1, Satomi Kamimura1, Masumi Okawa1, Noriko Funayama1 (1. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[P-028]Roles of Six family transcription factors and an innate immune factor MASP3 in craniofacial development頭蓋顔面形成におけるSixファミリー転写制御因子および自然免疫因子MASP3の役割

*Masanori Takahashi1, Takeshi Machida2, Tomo Yonezawa3, Tatsuya Takemoto4, Takayuki Isagawa5, Norihiko Takeda5, Yasuko Noda1 (1. Dep. Anat. Jichi Med. Univ. , 2. Dep. Immunol. Fukushima Med. Univ., 3. Cent. Front. Life Sci. Grad. Sch. Bio. Sci. Nagasaki Univ., 4. Inst. Adv. Med. Sci. Tokushima Univ., 5. Div. Cardiol. & Metabo. Cent. Mol. Med. Jichi Med. Univ.)

[P-029]Timing of two checkpoints that determine the onset of metamorphosis and its timing during third instar larva in Drosophila melanogaster.キイロショウジョウバエの変態の開始とその時期を決める3齢幼虫期の2つのチェックポイントのタイミングについて

*Hitoshi Ueda1, Takafumi Komatsubara2, Haruka Nishida2 (1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Okayama University, 2. The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University)

[P-030]Theoretical explanation of pinstripe formations in fish pigmentation patterns from analytical estimations of the stripe widthsパターンサイズの見積もりから説明する魚のピンストライプ模様形成

*Akiko M. Nakamasu1 (1. Meiji University)

[P-031]A novel tissue replacement during the ventral body wall closure腹側体壁閉鎖における新規組織置換

*Kengo Buma1, Yoshiko Takahashi1 (1. Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[P-032]Phenotypes of Harderian gland development and degeneration in the Fgf10-heterozygout mouseFgf10ヘテロ接合性変異マウスのハーダー腺の表現型解析

Shiori Ikeda1, Keita Sato1, Hirofumi Fujita1, Hitomi Ono-Minagi1, Satoru Miyaishi2, Tsutomu Nohno1, *Hideyo Ohuchi1 (1. Department of Cytology and Histology, Okayama University Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2. Department of Legal Medicine, Okayama University Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences)

[P-033]Reconstruction of planar cell polarity in the adult reproductive tract after injury損傷した成体生殖器官における平面内細胞極性の再構築機構

*Masaki Arata1, Toshihiko Fujimori1 (1. National Institute for Basic Biology)

[P-034]The establishment and the mechanical role of columnar organization during epithelial folding in the gastrulating Drosophila embryo.

*Anne Rosfelter1, Ian David Estabrook2, Anna Erzberger2,3, Yu-Chiun Wang1 (1. RIKEN Center for Biosystem Dynamic Research (BDR), 2. Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), 3. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University)

[P-035]O-GlcNAcylation regulates salivary gland differentiation

*Elina Pokharel1, Tae-Young Kim1, Bandana Rana1, Je Hee Jang1, Hitoshi Yamamoto2, Wern-Joo Sohn3, Jae-Young Kim1, Jae-Kwang Jung4 (1. Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, IHBR, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41940, South Korea, 2. Department of Histology and Developmental Biology, Tokyo Dental College, Tokyo 101-0061, Japan, 3. Department of K-Beauty Business, College of Cosmetic and Pharmaceuticals, Hanny University, Gyeongsan, South Korea, 4. Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, IHBR, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41940, South Korea)

[P-036]Molecular mechanisms and evolutionary insights into the stridulatory organ formation in orthopteran insects

*Taro Nakamura1,2, Teruyuki Niimi1,2 (1. NIBB, 2. SOKENDAI)

[P-037]Mesps coordinate hox expression with somite segmentationMespは体節の分節境界とHoxの発現境界をの位置を一致させる

*Taijiro Yabe1, Shinji Takada1 (1. National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB))

[P-038]The role of the epicardium in coronary vascular patterning: An approach based on avian somatic transgenesis.冠状血管パターン形成における心外膜の役割~鳥類胚への遺伝子導入によるアプローチ

*Yasuo Ishii1, Sari Koyama2, Waka Yano2, Hirosato Konishi3 (1. Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, 2. School of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, 3. Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University)

[P-039]Gut looping morphogenesis and concomitant construction of enteric nervous plexus in amphibian larvae両生類幼生における腸管のぜんまい巻き形態形成と腸管神経叢の構築

Kaoru Akinaga2, Maho Yoshimoto1, Yoshitaka Azumi1,2, Kazue Mogi2, *Ryuji Toyoizumi1,2 (1. Dept. Biol. Sci., Fac. Sci., Kanagawa University, 2. Res. Inst. Integr. Sci., Kanagawa University)

[P-040]I-BAR domain protein regulate the morphogenesis of protrusive microridge structure in zebrafish epitheliaゼブラフィッシュ上皮細胞における指紋状突出構造Microridgesの膜変形制御機構


[P-041]Quantitative analysis and mathematical model of Dictyostelium fruiting body formation細胞性粘菌の子実体形成の定量解析と数理モデル

*Seiya Nishikawa1, Satoshi Kuwana1, Gen Honda1,2, Satoshi Sawai1,3, Shuji Ishihara1,3 (1. Dept. of Integrated Sci., Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2. KIS, The Univ. of Tokyo, 3. Universal Biol. Inst., The Univ. of Tokyo)

[P-042]Novel cellular dynamics enabling transport of collagen fiber structures during zebrafish fin growthゼブラフィッシュのヒレの成長過程におけるコラーゲン線維構造体の輸送を可能にする新規細胞ダイナミクス

*Hiromu Hino1, Shigeru Kondo1, Junpei Kuroda1 (1. Osaka university, Frontier of Bio Sciences)

[P-043]Sequential analyses of the Wolffian duct differentiation in male mice雄マウスにおける中腎管分化の経時的解析

*Masayo Harada1, Georgena Djameh1, Tomoko Kitabata1, Keiichi Akita1 (1. Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

[P-044]Bioelectric Signal Oscillation Generates the Segmentation Pattern of Zebrafish Fin Bones

*Toshihiro Aramaki1 (1. Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University)

[P-045]Unraveling the controversy: A unified understanding of shaping morphogen gradientsモルフォゲン分布制御の統合的な理解

*Takayoshi Yamamoto1 (1. Dept. of Life Scis., Grad. Sch. of Arts and Scis., Univ. of Tokyo)

[P-046(PB01-08)]Programmed caspase activation without cell death inhibits wing tissue growth during development in Drosophila細胞死を伴わないプログラムされたカスパーゼの活性化によるショウジョウバエ翅組織の成長抑制

*Kohei Yamamoto1, Natsuki Shinoda1, Masayuki Miura1 (1. Dept. Genetics, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo)

[P-047(PB01-09)]How the worker cells connect spicules to expand the skeleton in Spongesカイメン骨片骨格形成において、骨片同士はどのようにして繋げられるのか?

*Tetsuro Nishizawa1, Keiji Matsumoto1,2, Satomi Kamimura1, Kyoko Komano1, Toshihiko Fujimori3, Noriko Funayama1 (1. Dept. of Biophysics, Grad. Sch. of Science, Kyoto University, 2. Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Rakuno Gakuen University, 3. Division of Embryology, National Institute for Basic Biology)

[P-048(PB01-10)]Elastoplastic transition in epithelial folding controlled by actin bracket formation as a basis for the unidirectionality of morphogenesis形態形成を一方向的に進行させる上皮折りたたみの弾塑性転移はアクチンブラケット形成によって制御される

*Aki Teranishi1, Satoru Okuda1 (1. Kanazawa University)

[P-049(PB01-11)]Causal association between myosin-induced chiral rotation of F-actin in vitro and left-right asymmetric organogenesis in vivoI型ミオシンが誘発するin vitro F-アクチン回転運動とin vivo細胞キラリティの関連に関する研究

*Yui Akano1, Asuka Yamaguchi1, Ginjiro Endo1, Utsunomiya Sosuke1, Kohei Yoshimura2, Takeshi Haraguchi2, Kohji Ito2, Kenji Matsuno1 (1. Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 2. Graduate School of Science, Chiba University)

[P-050(PB01-12)]Effects of low-oxygen concentration on differentiation and morphogenetic movements in Dictyostelium discoideum

*Hibiki Nakagawa1, Satoshi Sawai1 (1. Dept. of Basic Sci., Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sci, The Univ. of Tokyo)

[P-051(PB01-13)]A novel function of the Hox13, which elongates hindlimb buds in newtsイモリの後肢肢芽を伸長させるHox13の新規機能

*Sayo Tozawa1, Haruka Matsubara2, Fumina Minamitani2, Yukio Sato2, Gembu Abe2, Toshinori Hayashi3, Takashi Takeuchi2 (1. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Tottori Univ., 2. Sch. Life Sci., Tottori Univ., 3. ARC, Hiroshima Univ.)

[P-052(PB01-14)]Function of the hox10 paralogs during the developmental process of pelvic fin in zebrafishゼブラフィッシュ腹ヒレ形成におけるhox10パラログの機能

*Kohei Urakawa1, Haruka Matsubara2, Takashi Takeuchi2, Gembu Abe2 (1. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Tottori Univ, 2. Sch. Life Sci., Tottori Univ.)

[P-053(PB01-15)]Exploring mechanisms of body size sensing in organ development器官は発生中にどのようにして全身サイズを感知するのか?

*Yui Uchida1, Yoshihiro Morishita1 (1. RIKEN BDR)

[P-054(PB01-16)]Spatiotemporal analysis of cytoskeletal remodeling during lumen formation in single cell derived neural tube mimetic spheroids神経管模倣スフェロイドにおける管腔形成過程における細胞骨格リモデリングの時空間解析

*Kazuko Okamoto1,2, Satoru Okuda2 (1. Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima University, 2. NanoLSI, Kanazawa University)

[P-055]Common features and differences between limb regeneration and skin regeneration in Xenopus laevis: comparative analysis by RNA-seqアフリカツメガエルにおける四肢再生と皮膚再生の共通点と相違点:RNA-seqによる比較解析

Ayumi Konishi1, Rina Sato1, Kentaro Abo1, Takuya Kobayashi2, Hiroyo Nishide3, Hiroki Sugiura3, Mikiko Kotani1, Ikuo Uchiyama3, Shuji Shigenobu3, Koji Tamura2, *Hitoshi Yokoyama1 (1. Hirosaki University, 2. Tohoku University, 3. National Institute for Basic Biology)

[P-056]Development of hydrogels derived from porcine skeletal muscle extracellular matrix (ECM) with low immunogenicity and high regenerative potential低免疫原性と高い再生能を備えたブタ骨格筋細胞外マトリックス(ECM)由来のハイドロゲルの開発

Mohammed A Barajaa2,3, *Takayoshi Otsuka1,2, Debolina Ghosh2, Ho-Man Kan2, Cato T Laurencin2 (1. Niigata University, 2. University of Connecticut, 3. Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University)

[P-057]Scar formation and shrinking mechanism after cryoinjury in Pleurodeles waltl heartイベリアトゲイモリの心臓における凍結損傷後の瘢痕形成・縮小機構

*Eriko Enomoto1,2, Kazuko Okamoto1,2, Ichiro Tazawa1,2, Toshinori Hayashi1,2 (1. Amphibian research center, hiroshima university, 2. Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, hiroshima university)

[P-058]MEK/ERK signaling promotes the reconstitution of dopaminergic nerve circuit in the planarian, an invertebrate flatworm

*Xiaopeng Wen1, Masanori Hijioka2, Takeshi Inoue3, Kiyokazu Agata4, Yoshihisa Kitamura1 (1. Ritsumeikan University, 2. Nagoya City University, 3. Tottori University, 4. National Institute for Basic Biology)

[P-059]Facilitation of dentin regeneration by modulation of Prickle2 expression

*Bandana Rana1, Elina Pokharel1, Tae Young Kim1, Je Hee Jang1, Anna Kim1, Jae Kwang Jung1, Seo Young An1, Wern Joo Sohn2, Jung Hong Ha1, Chang Hyeon An1, Jae Young Kim1 (1. Kyungpook National University, 2. Daegu Hanny University)

[P-060]SoxC promotes blastema formation in whole-body regeneration of fragmenting potworms Enchytraeus japonensisSoxCは、ヤマトヒメミミズ再生芽形成を促進する。

*Shinji Yamaguchi1, Toshiyuki Fujita1 (1. Teikyo University)

[P-061]Developmental differentiation in the Xenopus thymus of Ouro protein-reactive T cells that function in tail resorption during metamorphosis無尾両生類の尾の退縮に機能するツメガエルOuroタンパク質反応性T細胞の胸腺における発生と分化

*Yuto Yoshida1, Haruka Kobayashi1, Yumi Izutsu2 (1. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, 2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University)

[P-062]Optimization of culture conditions and transfection methods for snake cellsヘビ細胞の培養条件と遺伝子導入法の最適化

*Shoma Kuriyama1, Keisuke Shigematsu1, Seung June Kwon1, Ryusei Kuwata2, Yuji Atsuta1 (1. Dept. Biol., Kyushu Univ, 2. Vet. Med., Okayama Univ. Sci)

[P-063]A novel stromal population mediates BMP signaling from niche cells to germline stem cell precursorsニッチ細胞から生殖幹細胞の前駆体までBMPシグナルを伝達する新規間質細胞集団

*Miho Asaoka1, Satoru Kobayashi1,3, Yasushi Hiromi2 (1. Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Univ. of Tsukuba, 2. National Institute of Genetics, 3. Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Tech., Univ. of Tsukuba)

[P-064]Crafting of hard tissue using dental cells derived from hiPSCs

*Suyeon Lee1, Ji-Sun Kim1, Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Yan Cui1, Jong-Min Lee1, Han-Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei University Colleage of Dentistry)

[P-065(PB02-01)]Vitronectin, which is highly abundant in fetal bovine serum, is involved in inhibiting myoblast differentiation and ensuring proliferative potential.ウシ胎児血清に豊富なビトロネクチンは、筋芽細胞の分化抑制と増殖促進にに寄与する

*Tomoka Katayama1, Daiji Okamura1 (1. Grad. school of Agri., Kindai Univ.)

[P-066(PB02-02)]Analysis of microglial diversity based on their dependence on Sonic Hedgehog signallingShhシグナル活性の違いがもたらすミクログリアの性質の差の解析

*Iori Takeda1, Takuma Shinozuka1, Noriaki Sasai1 (1. NAIST)

[P-067(PB02-03)]Optimization of the Tet-On system and validation of its utility in XenopusツメガエルにおけるTet-On システムの至適化とその有用性の検討

*Mana Yoshida1,2, Shiori Kawasaki1,3, Yusuke Sakaguchi1,2, Nanoka Suzuki1, Makoto Suzuki1,2,3, Hajime Ogino1,2,3 (1. Amphi. Res. Cen., Hiroshima Univ. , 2. Grad. Sch. of Integ. Sci. for Life., Hiroshima Univ. , 3. Dept. of Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)

[P-068(PB02-04)]Estimation of differentiation trajectories in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration and functional analysis of c1qtnf3 that contribute to tail regenerationツメガエル幼生尾再生における細胞系譜の推定と尾再生に寄与するc1qtnf3の機能解析

*Sumika Kato1, Takeo Kubo1, Taro Fukazawa1 (1. Dept. Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)

[P-069]The effects TRP receptors have on regeneration within Planarians.プラナリアの痛覚が再生に及ぼす影響

*Shiori Kajikawa1, Satsuki Onogi1 (1. Hiroo Gakuen High School)

[P-070(PB02-06)]How can newt regenerate a removed bone?イベリアトゲイモリで全摘出した骨が再生する仕組みは何か?

*Arisa Anami1, Harka Mathubara2, Gembu Abe2, Takashi Takeuchi2 (1. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Tottori Univ., 2. Sch. Life Sci., Tottori Univ.)

[P-071]Directed differentiation of lingual epithelial progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells

*Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Anish Ashok Adpaikar1, Cui Yan1, Ji-Sun Kim1, Suyeon Lee1, Han Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei University College of Dentistry)

[P-072]Epithelial plasticity drives circumvallate papilla regeneration following targeted ablation of Lgr5+ stem/progenitor cells

*Anish Ashok Adpaikar1, Jong-Min Lee1, Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Yan Cui1, Suyeon Lee1, Jisun Kim1, Han-Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei University College of Dentistry)

[P-073(PB02-18)]Roles and mechanisms of Ptbp1 liquid-liquid phase separation in sensing the shift from intrauterine to extrauterine environment in cardiomyocytes心筋細胞核内Ptbp1相分離液滴の役割とその制御

*Tai Sada1,2, Wataru Kimura1,2 (1. RIKEN BDR, 2. Osaka university)

[P-074]bHLH transcription factors control the timing and completion of differentiation from neuroepithelial cells into neural stem cells.bHLH転写因子は、神経上皮細胞から神経幹細胞への分化のタイミングを制御している。

Chika Akiba1, Yuanchang Tsai1, Aya Takezawa2, Mire Hirose2, *Takumi Suzuki1,2 (1. Grad. Sci. and Eng., Ibaraki Univ, 2. Coll. Sci., Ibaraki Univ)

[P-075]Specificity protein 1 is essential for ephrin-mediated spinal motor axon pathfinding

Pin-Wen Liao1,2, *Tzu-Jen Kao1 (1. Taipei Medical University, 2. Cathay General Hospital)

[P-076]Regulation of EAAT4 by Lhx1/5 Modulates Glutamate Homeostasis in Purkinje Cells

*Le SHEN1, Kin Ming KWAN1,2,3 (1. School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, 2. State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, 3. Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China)

[P-077]3D-AFM visualization of intracellular structures and their stiffness in dendritic spine

*Rei Yagasaki1, Keisuke Miyazawa1, Mineko Kengaku2, Takeshi Fukuma1, Satoru Okuda1 (1. WPI-Nano LSI, Kanazawa Univ., 2. WPI-iCeMS, Kyoto Univ.)

[P-078]Deciphering the role of the RhoA/ROCK signalling in the migration of mouse enteric neural crest-derived cells

*Yee Lam Li1, Seong Wang Choi1, Martin Cheung2, Kwok Wing Stephen Tsui1, Wood Yee Chan1,3 (1. School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2. School of Biomedical Sciences, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3. Center for neuromusculoskeletal Restorative Medicine, Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong SAR, China)

[P-079]Role of RNA binding protein during the retinal development網膜発生におけるRNA結合タンパク質の役割

*Shunsuke Mizuno2, Ain Kusano2, Satoru Moritou1, Kiyo Sakagami3, Chieko Koike1,3,4 (1. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan Univ,Shiga,Japan, 2. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical,Ritsumeikan Univ,Shiga,Japan, 3. Research Organization of Science and Technology,Ritsumeikan University, 4. Center for System Vision Science,Resarch Organization of Science and Technology,Ritsumeikan University)

[P-080]Hippocampal fissure formation influences dentate gyrus development海馬溝形成は歯状回の発達に影響を与える

*Yuko Gonda1, Sara Wilson2, Tokiharu Takahashi1, Tatsunori Seki3, Takashi Namba4 (1. Tokyo Med Univ, 2. Umeå Univ, 3. Juntendo Univ, 4. Univ of Helsinki)

[P-081]Sbno1 is required for the neural stem cell division and neuronal differentiationSbno1は神経幹細胞の分裂およびニューロン分化に機能する

*Tomoki Hayashi1, Dai Ihara1, Ayano Narumoto1, Yukie Kande1, Hayato Kaneda1, Yu Katsuyama1 (1. Division of Neuroanatomy, Department Anatomy, Shgia University of Medical Science)

[P-082(PB02-09)]Analysis of the involvement of mechanosensor channel PIEZO in the cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis and its effect on the brain development/functionメカノセンサーチャネルPIEZOの脳脊髄液恒常性への関与と脳の発達/機能への影響の解析

*Hibiki Endo1, Tomohiro Tanaka2, Keiko Nonomura2 (1. Graduate school of biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. Institute for life and medical sciences, Kyoto University)

[P-083(PB02-10)]Surrounding Environment Impact on The Cell Cycle Length in Early Cortical Development初期皮質形成における細胞周期長への周囲環境からの影響

*Yuzuka Takeuchi1, Mineko Kengaku2, Takumi Kawaue2 (1. Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. iCeMS, KUIAS, Kyoto University)

[P-084(PB02-11)]Function of Lamin A in neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex発達中の大脳皮質ニューロンの移動におけるLamin Aの機能

*Shiori Nagayama1, Takumi Kawaue2, Mineko Kengaku2 (1. Graduate school of biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. iCeMS , KUIAS, Kyoto University)

[P-085]Hypoplastic Purkinje Cell Development and its Relationship to YY1

*Ying Lam Blue LUI1,2,3, Kin Ming KWAN1,2,3 (1. School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2. Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3. State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, The Chinese University of Hong Hong SAR, China)

[P-086(PB02-13)]Analysis of the origins and developmental mechanisms of Purkinje cells and eurydendroid cells in the zebrafish cerebellum

*Yukimi Fujii1, Enkhjin Ulzii1, Takashi Shimizu1, Masahiko Hibi1 (1. Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)

[P-087]Subdivision specific neurodegenerative phenotypes in the hippocampal formation of Sbno1 deficient brainSbno1を欠損した海馬体では部位ごとに異なった神経変性の表現型を示す

Fuduki Inoguchi1, Sunjidmaa Zolzaya1, Yukie Kande1, Dai Ihara1, *Yu Katsuyama1 (1. Shiga University of Medical Science)

[P-088]The cardiac neural crest gene MafB ectopically directs CXCR4 expression in the trunk neural crest心臓神経堤遺伝子MafBは体幹部神経堤での異所的なCXCR4発現を誘導する

*Saori Tani-Matsuhana1, Yuga Kawata1, Kunio Inoue1 (1. Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

[P-089]The molecular pathway to temporally regulate expression of muscle genes in Ciona embryos and larvaeカタユウレイボヤ胚・幼生の筋肉における遺伝子の時間的発現パターンの調節

*Izumi Oda-Ishii1, Yutaka Satou1 (1. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

[P-090]The transcriptional regulation of retinal ON-bipolar cell specific gene網膜ON型双極細胞特異的遺伝子の発現制御解析

*Jun Saida1, Takuya Ishibashi3, Yuusuke Yokoyama1, Shunsuke Mizuno2, Haruki Tokumoto2, Akiko Ueno2, Chieko Koike1,4 (1. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 2. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 3. Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan Univ, Shiga, Japan, 4. Center for Systems Vision Science, Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan Univ)

[P-091(PB02-14)]Impact of epigenetic modifications downstream of TGF-β signaling underlying nested expression pattern of 5' Hox genesTGF-βシグナルがエピジェネティック修飾を介して5’Hox遺伝子群の入れ子状の発現を誘導する仕組みの解析

*Ayana Tatsumi1, Miku Takabayashi2, Shun Tomooka3, Takayuki Suzuki1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Sci., Depart. of Bio., OMU, 2. Sch. of Sci., Nagoya Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. of Bioagr. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)

[P-092]The Impact of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) on RNA Epitranscriptomic Modifications during Murine Pre-adipocyte Differentiation.

Hin Ting Wan1,2, Wang Ka Lee1,2, *Chris Kong Chu WONG1,2 (1. Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences, 2. Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University)

[P-093]Differential response to high-pressure on a variety of culture cells derived from homeothermic animals.恒温動物由来の培養細胞における高圧ストレス反応の違い

*Kiyo Sakagami1, Yuzuki Aoki2, Misato Kimura2, Yuuki Kondo2, Yutaro Shiramasa2,3, Tomoe Ueyama4,5, Teruhisa Kawamura4,5, Chieko Koike2,3 (1. Ritsumeikan University, R-GIRO, 2. Ritsumeikan University, Collage of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Pharmacy, 4. Ritsumeikan University, College of Life Sciences, 5. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Life Sciences)

[P-094(PB02-17)]Identifying genes regulating developmental speed in C. elegans線虫C. elegansで発生速度を制御する遺伝子の同定

*Kaho Ieda1, Kotaro Kimura1 (1. Nagoya City Univ.)

[P-095]The Evolutionarily Conserved Dual Role of the HIF Pathway in Animal Embryonic Development

*Hongdi WANG1, Yayoi Hongo1, Hiroshi Watanabe1 (1. Evolutionary Neurobiology Unit, OIST)

[P-096]Expression patterns of Piwi homologs in Stenostomum (Platyhelminthes: Catenulida: Stenostomidae) and the evolution of stem cells in flatworms

Pin-Ying Chen1, Fu-Yu Tsai1, *Dian-Han Kuo1 (1. National Taiwan University)

[P-097]Interplay Between Female Reproductive States and Odorant Receptor Diversity in Forcipomyia taiwana

*Ming-Der Lin1, Chia-Hsien Chuang2, Chih-Hsin Kao2, Szu-Chieh Wang1,2, Ping-Heng Hsieh2, Guan-Yu Chen1, Chung-Yen Lin2 (1. Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 2. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)

[P-098]Revealing Evolutionary Constraints: Deciphering Robust Cell Types in Vertebrate Embryo

*Wenxin Zeng1, Jason Cheok Kuan Leong2, Naoki Irie2 (1. Univ. of Tokyo, School of Science, Dept. of Biol. Sciences, 2. Research Center for Integrated Evolutionary Science, SOKENDAI)

[P-099]Unraveling the genetic basis of left-right dimorphism in Drosophila brain

*Wai Cheng Wong1, So Sakamura1, Eita Yoshitake1, Tomoki Yoshida1, Komomo Suyama1, Kenji Matsuno1 (1. Osaka University)

[P-100]Analysis of the distribution of dopaminergic neurons and dopamine receptors in the chicken forebrainニワトリの前脳におけるDAニューロンとDA受容体の分布の解析

*Toshiyuki Fujita1, Naoya Aoki1, Chihiro Mori1, Koichi Homma1, Shinji Yamaguchi1 (1. Teikyo University)

[P-101(PB02-16)]Evolution of Cdkn2 genes in amniotes羊膜類におけるCDKN2遺伝子の進化

Yuhta Yamamoto2, Kohshiro Ono2, Natsume Kinoshita2, Tomoyo Noro2, Wen Feng1, Nichito Sasaki1, *Reina Konno1, Shiori Yuki1, Isato Araki1,2 (1. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Iwate University, 2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Iwate University)

[P-102]Phenotype-genotype relationships in Xenopus sox9 crispants provide insights into campomelic dysplasia, Pierre Robin sequence, and vertebrate jaw evolutionツメガエルsox9変異体における表現型と遺伝子型の相関解析はヒト屈曲肢異形成症と小顎症及び脊椎動物の顎進化に新たな知見を与える

Nusrat Hossain1,2,3, Takao Suzuki1, Takeshi Igawa1,2, Makoto Suzuki1,2, Ichiro Tazawa1,2, Yuta Nakao1,2, Toshinori Hayashi1,2, Nanoka Suzuki1, *Hajime Ogino1,2 (1. Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, 2. Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, 3. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

[P-103]Analysis of the intestinal atresia mutant of medaka (Oryzial latipes)メダカ腸管閉鎖突然変異体の解析

*Daisuke Kobayashi1, Akihiro Urasaki1,11, Tetsuaki Kimura2, Satoshi Ansai7, Hayato Yokoi3, Shigeo Takashima4, Tadao Kitagawa5, Takahiro Kage, Takanori Narita6, Tomoko Jindo, Masato Kinoshita7, Kiyoshi Naruse8, Yuji Ishikawa, Kazuo Araki, Yumiko Saga2, Hiroyuki Takeda9,10, Kenta Yashiro1 (1. Kyoto Pref Univ of Med, 2. NIG, 3. Tohoku Univ, 4. Gifu Univ, 5. Kindai Univ, 6. Nihon Univ, 7. Kyoto Univ, 8. NIBB, 9. Univ of Tokyo, 10. Kyoto Sangyo Univ, 11. Kobe Univ)

[P-104]Tuning circadian rhythm of CAFs via BMAL1-LHX8 axis against cancer progression

*SHUJIN LI1, YAN CUI1, Suyeon Lee1, Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Ji-Sun Kim1, Han-Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei University college of dentistry)

[P-105]Investigating the mechanistic basis of tumor-induced bone resorption in CRISPR/Cas9-engineered organoid

*Yan Cui1, Shujin Li1, Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Suyeon Lee1, Ji-Sun Kim1, Han-Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei university College of Dentistry)

[P-106]Increased cell apoptosis during ameloblasts transition leads to hypomineralized amelogenesis imperfecta in Cdkn2b deficient mice.

*Dinuka Adasooriya1, Minjae Kyeong1, Shiqi Kan1, Ju-Kyung Jeong2, Eui-Sic Cho2, Sung-Won Cho1 (1. Division of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Department of Oral Biology, BK21 FOUR Project, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, 2. Cluster for Craniofacial Development and Regeneration Research, Institute of Oral Biosciences, Jeonbuk National University School of Dentistry)

[P-107(PB01-18)]An Essential Role of Polyhomeotic Homolog 1 (Phc1) in Embryonic Brain Morphogenesis

*NUR IMANIATI SUMANTRI1, AGNES ONG LEE CHEN1, ARISA KISHI1, MANABU SHIRAI2, TAKUMA SHINOZUKA1, NORIAKI SASAI1 (1. NARA Institute of Science and Technology, 2. National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center)

[P-108(PB01-19)]Spatio-temporal dynamics and mechanical properties of YAP-related immune cell populations in a mouse model of inflammation-Induced colon cancer炎症誘発大腸がんモデルマウスにおけるYAP関連免疫細胞集団の時空間ダイナミクスと力学的特性

*Hirotaka Tao1, Makoto Furutani-Seiki1 (1. Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine)

[P-109]Endothelin 3/EDNRB signaling induces thermogenic differentiation of white adipose tissueエンドセリン3/EDNRBシグナル伝達は白色脂肪組織の熱産生分化を誘導します

*Chih-Hao Wang1,2,3, Tadataka Tsuji3, Li-Hong Wu1, Cheng-Ying Yang2, Tian Lian Huang3, Mari Sato3, Farnaz Shamsi3, Yu-Hua Tseng3,4 (1. Graduate Institute of Cell Biology, China Medical University, 2. Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University,, 3. Section on Integrative Physiology and Metabolism, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, 4. Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Harvard University)

[P-110]An evolutionarily conserved heterodimer of the bHLH proteins BNB and LRL/DROP regulates germ cell differentiation in land plants進化的に保存されたbHLHヘテロ二量体BNB–LRL/DROPによる陸上植物の生殖細胞分化の制御

*Shohei Yamaoka1, Misaki Saito1, Ryosuke Momiki1, Kazuo Ebine2,3, Yoshihiro Yoshitake1, Yoshimi Nakano5, Ryuichi Nishihama1,4, Takuya Miyakawa1, Takeshi Nakano1, Nobutaka Mitsuda5, Takashi Araki1, Takayuki Kohchi1 (1. Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB), 3. The Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, 4. Department of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, 5. Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

[P-111]Spectrin-based membrane skeleton and actomyosin control dendrite orientation in Purkinje cellsスペクトリン膜骨格とアクトミオシンによる樹状突起形成制御

*Kazuto Fujishima1,2, Yoichi Kondo1, Mineko Kengaku2 (1. Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2. Institute for Cell and Material Sciences, Kyoto University)

[P-112]Genomics of cardiac neural crest cells in the mediastinum縦隔空間を構成する心臓神経堤細胞のゲノミクス

*Akiyasu Iwase1,2, Yasunobu Uchijima1, Daiki Seya1, Mayuko Kida1, Hiroki Higashiyama1, Kazuhiro Matsui1, Akashi Taguchi2, Shogo Yamamoto3, Shiro Fukuda3, Seitaro Nomura4, Takahide Kohro5, Chisa Shukunami6, Haruhiko Akiyama7, Masahide Seki8, Akinori Kanai8, Masaki Miyasaka8, Yutaka Suzuki8, Youichiro Wada2, Hiroyuki Aburatani3, Yukiko Kurihara1, Sachiko Miyagawa-Tomita1,9, Hiroki Kurihara1,2 (1. Department of Physiological Chemistry and Metabolism, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 2. Isotope Science Center, The University of Tokyo, 3. Genome Science Division, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technologies, University of Tokyo, 4. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, 5. Department of Medical Informatics, Jichi Medical University, 6. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Biomedical& Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, 7. Department of Orthopaedics, Gifu University, 8. Laboratory of Functional Genomics, Department of Medical Genome Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 9. Department of Animal Nursing Science, Yamazaki University of Animal Health Technology)

[P-113]The transcriptional regulation of the Tbx6 gene to elucidate the mesoderm development from the neuro-mesodermal progenitors.中胚葉細胞の産出を制御する転写因子Tbx6の発現制御の仕組み

*Soh Hazaki1, Hitomi Suzuki1, Yuta Chigi1, Kaori Tanaka2, Akihito Harada2, Yasuyuki Ohkawa2, Tatsuya Takemoto1 (1. Laboratory of Embryology, Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tokushima University, 2. Division of Transcriptomics, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University)

[P-114]Study of cone mosaic formation in fish retina using a mathematical model魚類の網膜における錐体モザイク形成に関する力学モデルを用いた考察

*Keiichi Yamamoto1, Yuji Sakai2, Atsushi Mochizuki2 (1. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ., 2. Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto Univ.)

[P-115]Cuticle nanofabrication in the insect olfactory organ involves the ER-originated transport and ER-phagy dynamics orchestrated by Gox and Ref(2)P

*Sachi Inagaki1, Housei Wada1, Takeshi Itabashi2, Atsuko H. Iwane3, Shigeo Hayashi1 (1. RIKEN BDR, 2. Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, 3. research center for Advanced Science and innovation, Yamaguchi University)

[P-116]Bioenergetics Independent Lactate Metabolism Regulates
Eye Developmental Program

*Nozomu Takata1, Jason M. Miska2, Marc A. Morgan3, Priyam Patel4, Leah K. Billingham2, Neha Joshi4, Matthew J. Schipma4, Zachary J. Dumar3, Nikita R. Joshi5, Alexander V. Misharin5, Ryan B. Embry4, Luciano Fiore1, Peng Gao6, Lauren P. Diebold5, Gregory S. McElroy5, Ali Shilatifard3, Navdeep S. Chandel5, Guillermo Oliver1 (1. Center for Vascular and Developmental Biology, Feinberg Cardiovascular and Renal Research Institute, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 2. Department of Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 3. Simpson Querrey Institute for Epigenetics and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 4. Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University, 5. Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, 6. Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center Metabolomics Core, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine)

[P-117]Sexual development in basal acoel Hofstenia atroviridis is protandrous and regulated by body size

*Rupandey Parekh1, Coline Hermine2, Toru Miura1 (1. Misaki Marine Biological Station, The University of Tokyo, 2. Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology, Collège de France)