Presentation Information

[PB02-15][Cancelled] Differential response to high-pressure on a variety of culture cells derived from homeothermic animals.恒温動物由来の培養細胞における高圧ストレス反応の違い

*Kiyo Sakagami1, Yuzuki Aoki2, Misato Kimura2, Yuuki Kondo2, Yutaro Shiramasa2,3, Tomoe Ueyama4,5, Teruhisa Kawamura4,5, Chieko Koike2,3 (1. Ritsumeikan University, R-GIRO, 2. Ritsumeikan University, Collage of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Pharmacy, 4. Ritsumeikan University, College of Life Sciences, 5. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Life Sciences)


high pressure,culture cells,stress,mouse,a hibernating animal

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