Session Details
Poster Briefing 02
Wed. Jun 19, 2024 5:00 PM - 5:57 PM JST
Wed. Jun 19, 2024 8:00 AM - 8:57 AM UTC
Wed. Jun 19, 2024 8:00 AM - 8:57 AM UTC
Poster Briefing 02(Poster & Exhibition (Miyako Messe(B1F)))
[PB02-01(P-065)]Vitronectin, which is highly abundant in fetal bovine serum, is involved in inhibiting myoblast differentiation and ensuring proliferative potential.ウシ胎児血清に豊富なビトロネクチンは、筋芽細胞の分化抑制と増殖促進にに寄与する
*Tomoka Katayama1, Daiji Okamura1 (1. Grad. school of Agri., Kindai Univ.)
[PB02-02(P-066)]Analysis of microglial diversity based on their dependence on Sonic Hedgehog signallingShhシグナル活性の違いがもたらすミクログリアの性質の差の解析
*Iori Takeda1, Takuma Shinozuka1, Noriaki Sasai1 (1. NAIST)
[PB02-03(P-067)]Optimization of the Tet-On system and validation of its utility in XenopusツメガエルにおけるTet-On システムの至適化とその有用性の検討
*Mana Yoshida1,2, Shiori Kawasaki1,3, Yusuke Sakaguchi1,2, Nanoka Suzuki1, Makoto Suzuki1,2,3, Hajime Ogino1,2,3 (1. Amphi. Res. Cen., Hiroshima Univ. , 2. Grad. Sch. of Integ. Sci. for Life., Hiroshima Univ. , 3. Dept. of Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)
[PB02-04(P-068)]Estimation of differentiation trajectories in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration and functional analysis of c1qtnf3 that contribute to tail regenerationツメガエル幼生尾再生における細胞系譜の推定と尾再生に寄与するc1qtnf3の機能解析
*Sumika Kato1, Takeo Kubo1, Taro Fukazawa1 (1. Dept. Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)
[PB02-05][Cancelled]The effects TRP receptors have on regeneration within Planarians.プラナリアの痛覚が再生に及ぼす影響
*Shiori Kajikawa1, Satsuki Onogi1 (1. Hiroo Gakuen High School)
[PB02-06(P-070)]How can newt regenerate a removed bone?イベリアトゲイモリで全摘出した骨が再生する仕組みは何か?
*Arisa Anami1, Harka Mathubara2, Gembu Abe2, Takashi Takeuchi2 (1. Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Tottori Univ., 2. Sch. Life Sci., Tottori Univ.)
[PB02-07][Cancelled] Directed differentiation of lingual epithelial progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells
*Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Anish Ashok Adpaikar1, Cui Yan1, Ji-Sun Kim1, Suyeon Lee1, Han Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei University College of Dentistry)
[PB02-08][Cancelled] Epithelial plasticity drives circumvallate papilla regeneration following targeted ablation of Lgr5+ stem/progenitor cells
*Anish Ashok Adpaikar1, Jong-Min Lee1, Senthil Kumar Baskaran1, Yan Cui1, Suyeon Lee1, Jisun Kim1, Han-Sung Jung1 (1. Yonsei University College of Dentistry)
[PB02-09(P-082)]Analysis of the involvement of mechanosensor channel PIEZO in the cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis and its effect on the brain development/functionメカノセンサーチャネルPIEZOの脳脊髄液恒常性への関与と脳の発達/機能への影響の解析
*Hibiki Endo1, Tomohiro Tanaka2, Keiko Nonomura2 (1. Graduate school of biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. Institute for life and medical sciences, Kyoto University)
[PB02-10(P-083)]Surrounding Environment Impact on The Cell Cycle Length in Early Cortical Development初期皮質形成における細胞周期長への周囲環境からの影響
*Yuzuka Takeuchi1, Mineko Kengaku2, Takumi Kawaue2 (1. Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. iCeMS, KUIAS, Kyoto University)
[PB02-11(P-084)]Function of Lamin A in neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex発達中の大脳皮質ニューロンの移動におけるLamin Aの機能
*Shiori Nagayama1, Takumi Kawaue2, Mineko Kengaku2 (1. Graduate school of biostudies, Kyoto University, 2. iCeMS , KUIAS, Kyoto University)
[PB02-12][Cancelled] Hypoplastic Purkinje Cell Development and its Relationship to YY1
*Ying Lam Blue LUI1,2,3, Kin Ming KWAN1,2,3 (1. School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2. Centre for Cell and Developmental Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3. State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, The Chinese University of Hong Hong SAR, China)
[PB02-13(P-086)]Analysis of the origins and developmental mechanisms of Purkinje cells and eurydendroid cells in the zebrafish cerebellum
*Yukimi Fujii1, Enkhjin Ulzii1, Takashi Shimizu1, Masahiko Hibi1 (1. Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)
[PB02-14(P-091)]Impact of epigenetic modifications downstream of TGF-β signaling underlying nested expression pattern of 5' Hox genesTGF-βシグナルがエピジェネティック修飾を介して5’Hox遺伝子群の入れ子状の発現を誘導する仕組みの解析
*Ayana Tatsumi1, Miku Takabayashi2, Shun Tomooka3, Takayuki Suzuki1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Sci., Depart. of Bio., OMU, 2. Sch. of Sci., Nagoya Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. of Bioagr. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)
[PB02-15][Cancelled] Differential response to high-pressure on a variety of culture cells derived from homeothermic animals.恒温動物由来の培養細胞における高圧ストレス反応の違い
*Kiyo Sakagami1, Yuzuki Aoki2, Misato Kimura2, Yuuki Kondo2, Yutaro Shiramasa2,3, Tomoe Ueyama4,5, Teruhisa Kawamura4,5, Chieko Koike2,3 (1. Ritsumeikan University, R-GIRO, 2. Ritsumeikan University, Collage of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Pharmacy, 4. Ritsumeikan University, College of Life Sciences, 5. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Life Sciences)
[PB02-16(P-101)]Evolution of Cdkn2 genes in amniotes羊膜類におけるCDKN2遺伝子の進化
Yuhta Yamamoto2, Kohshiro Ono2, Natsume Kinoshita2, Tomoyo Noro2, Wen Feng1, Nichito Sasaki1, *Reina Konno1, Shiori Yuki1, Isato Araki1,2 (1. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Iwate University, 2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Iwate University)
[PB02-17(P-094)]Identifying genes regulating developmental speed in C. elegans線虫C. elegansで発生速度を制御する遺伝子の同定
*Kaho Ieda1, Kotaro Kimura1 (1. Nagoya City Univ.)
[PB02-18(P-073)]Roles and mechanisms of Ptbp1 liquid-liquid phase separation in sensing the shift from intrauterine to extrauterine environment in cardiomyocytes心筋細胞核内Ptbp1相分離液滴の役割とその制御
*Tai Sada1,2, Wataru Kimura1,2 (1. RIKEN BDR, 2. Osaka university)
[PB02-19(P-005)]Avian primordial germ cell extravasation is driven by membrane bleb formation via the SOCE system.ニワトリ始原生殖細胞の血管外遊出はSOCEシステムを介した膜ブレブによって駆動される。
*Mizuki Morita1, Manami Morimoto1, Junichi Ikenouchi1, Bertrand Pain2, Yuji Atsuta1, Yoshiki Hayashi1, Takayuki Teramoto1, Daisuke Saito1 (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, 2. Univ Lyon, Université Lyon 1, INSERM, INRA, Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute))