Presentation Information
[WS04-03]Developmental toxicity testing in human iPS cells through disruption of signal interactionシグナル伝達相互作用のかく乱を基にしたヒトiPS細胞を用いた発生毒性試験法の開発
*YUSUKE OKUBO1,2, Kashu Mizota1,2, Rintaro Ohara1,2, Rieko Matsuura1, Yoko Hirabayashi1, Yoshihiro Nakajima3, Junji Fukuda2 (1. National Institute of Health Sciences, 2. Yokohama National University, 3. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
in vitro Developmental Toxicity test,Real-time luciferase assay,Disruption of signal interaction,human iPSCs