Session Details

[2E](04-1) Cooperation between high schools and universities, contribution to society and local communities, education for working adults, education for engineers in companies-I

Thu. Sep 5, 2024 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Thu. Sep 5, 2024 5:15 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
E room(Lecture room 15)
Chairperson:Keiko NUMAYAMA-TSURUTA(Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University) Second Chairperson:Jun Toyotani(Nihon University)

[2E12]Development of “Skill Development Guidelines” Internal Portal SiteSupporting employee's self-learning by using external YouTube videos

○Shinji SATO1, Shinyoung PARK1, Hiroshi ASAOKA1, Asako NISHIO1 (1. Human Resources Development Center)

[2E13]The effectiveness of metacognition in career trainingPossibility of using ChatGPT to improve metacognition and questioning skills

○TAKETOSHI YOKEMURA1, Kunihiko ONO1 (1. Cyber University)

[2E14]Practicing Decarbonization Manufacturing Education Using EV Kits Through Industry-Academia Collaboration

○Toshihiro AKITA1, Hirokazu KATO2, Shigeto KIKUCHI2 (1. National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College, 2. Murakami Group)

[2E15]Development of Value-Creating Human Resources for New Business CreationImplementation of the Revision of the Social Innovation Leader Training Program

○Yoshitaka Takahashi1, Manabu Serata1, Toshihiro Arisaka1 (1. Hitachi Academy Co., Ltd.)

[2E16]Renewal of the Integrated Engineer Development (IED) Course for Developing Top Engineers Adapted to the Era of Transformation

○Gunji Tsukuda1, Hirofumi Taguchi1, Takayuki Oouchi1, Seigo Sakai2 (1. Hitachi Academy Co., Ltd., 2. Cando)