Presentation Information

[3P106]Crystallographic orientation dependence of hydrogen permeation through vanadium membranes - observation of hydrogen permeation by operando hydrogen microscopy and silver decoration -

*Tomoyasu Fujimaru1, Souta Miyai2, Tomoharu Hirayama2, Tomoko Kusawake3, Naoya Naoya 3, Akiko N Itakura3, Yoshihisa Matsumoto2 (1. Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Oita College, 3. Center of basic research on Materials, National Institute for Materials Science)
We conducted in situ observations of hydrogen permeation through vanadium membranes using operando hydrogen microscopy (OHM) and silver decoration. In OHM, hydrogen ions are detected by electron stimulated desorption. In the silver decoration method, the precipitated silver at the position of hydrogen exist is observed using an optical microscope. The specimen is 16 mm disk-shaped plate with the thickness of 0.5 mm, and the surface is mirror-polished. SEM images, optical microscope images, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) images of silver, and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) images of the sample structure were obtained from the experiment. By comparing them, we identified that the hydrogen permeation flux through vanadium membranes is high in the (101) and (111) orientations and low in the (001) orientation. This study provides a new understanding of the mechanism of hydrogen permeation and clarifies the effect of crystal orientation on hydrogen permeation efficiency.

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