Presentation Information

[3P85]Structure and conductivity of organic thin films grown on a CVD graphene

*Ryota Fujita1, Akihiro Nagato1, Rikuto Ishikawa1, Yoshihiro Shimazu1, Kenichi Ozawa2,3, Kazuhiko Mase2,3, Daisuke Chiba4, Yasutaka Tsuda4, Akitaka Yoshigoe4, Shinya Ohno1 (1. Graduate School of Engineering Science, Yokohama National University, 2. Institute of Materials Structure Science, KEK, 3. SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), 4. Materials Sciences Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
The relationship between domain boundaries and transport properties of polycrystalline graphene produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is still poorly understood.In this study, we focus on the doping effects and conduction properties induced by thin films of organic molecules using oligothiophene (6T) and phthalocyanine (Pc) molecules. Here, the interaction between graphene and 6T/Pc thin films was investigated using various measurement methods, and the transport properties of FET structures were measured correspondingly.XPS spectra showed the clear thickness dependence of the S2s state of 6T molecules. In addition, photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation gave the information of the C1s core level and valence state of the interface between the graphene substrate and organic molecules. Annealing of the 6T/Pc thin film produced significant structural changes. We also found that the adsorption of the 6T thin film on the FET structure slightly changed its on/off ratio.

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