Presentation Information

[3P88]The influence of the thermal flow field on the synthesis of 2D-WS2 on c-plane sapphire

*Hua-Lin Chen1, Kun-An Chiu1, Wei-Chun Chen1, Hung-Pin Chen1, Yu-Wei Lin1, Che-Chin Chen1, Yu-Chuan Lin2, Fong-Zhi Chen1 (1. Taiwan Instrument Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
This study primarily uses hot-wall CVD to deposit WS2 on sapphire substrates, while also establishing a gas dynamics model to predict the temperature and precursor diffusion inside the furnace tube. This model will be compared with the film growth conditions further to understand the impact of gas parameters on film deposition.

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