Presentation Information

[3P89]Long-term high voltage application test of feedthroughs for ion pumps and cold-cathode gauges under high humidity environment

*Yusuke Suetsugu1, Kyo Shibata1,2, Takuya Ishibashi1,2, Mitsuru Shirai1, Shinji Terui1, Mu Lee Yao1 (1. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 2. Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))
In the SuperKEKB accelerator, sputter ion pumps (SIPs) and cold cathode gauges (CCGs) are used as vacuum pumps and vacuum gauges, respectively. Typically, ion pumps receive 5-7 kV to the Penning cells inside the vessel, while CCGs receive 1-3 kV to an inverted magnetron-type cell, through high-voltage feedthroughs. Under suboptimal conditions, such as high humidity (low dew point), these high-voltage feedthroughs are prone to abnormal discharge due to creeping discharge, potentially leading to insulation breakdown or structural damage. To address these issues, we have conducted accelerated testing in a laboratory setting, wherein commercially available and commonly used high-voltage feedthroughs (connectors) in SIPs and CCGs are subjected to prolonged high-voltage application in high-humidity environments, aiming to investigate their high-voltage characteristics and durability. The results from November 2023 are presented here.

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