Presentation Information

[3P95]In-situ TEM observation of electrically responsive GaSe nanoribbon

*MAI Nakashima1, Limi Chen1, Kohei Aso1, Yukiko Yamada-Takamura1, Yoshifumi Oshima1 (1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
GaSe is known to be a highly photo- and electrically responsive 2D material. It is an interesting phenomenon because it can work as a switching device (on and off). In this study, we aim to investigate electrically response of suspended GaSe nanoribbon to irradiating electrons by our uniquely developed in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample holder. Thin and small GaSe flake, obtained by mechanical exfoliation of bulk crystal, was picked up with a viscoelastic resin, PDMS, and transferred to the nanogap of about 200 nm by stamping. We found that the current passing through the GaSe nanoribbon varied sharply with the cycle of electron irradiation for 10 seconds and stopping for 60 seconds. The current change was almost proportional to the amount of irradiated electrons, and a quantitative analysis of this response was performed based on this proportionality and the width and length of the nanoribbon and the number of layers.

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