Presentation Information

[3P97]Estimation of local variation in Young's modulus over a gold nanocontact using microscopic nanomechanical measurement method

*Jiaming Liu1, Jiaqi Zhang2,3, Kohei Aso1, Toyoko Arai4, Masahiko Tomotori1, Yoshifumi Oshima1 (1. School of advanced science and technology, Japan advanced institute of science and technology, 2. Henan key laboratory of diamond optoelectronic materials and devices, key laboratory of materials physics, School of physics, Zhengzhou University, 3. Institute of quantum materials and physics, Henan Academy of Sciences, 4. Graduate school of natural science and technology, Kanazawa University)
We proposed a new method to measure Young's modulus of nanomaterials. By taking the TEM images simultaneously with measuring the spring constant using the MMNM, the equivalent spring constant of a local region can be obtained by determining the ratio of the displacement of the region to the total displacement of the nanomaterial and its supporting bases on both sides. The Young's modulus can be estimated by considering the cross-section and length of this region. The Young's modulus of the local region in the Au <111> NC was estimated by applying this method, which showed a similar size dependence of the Young's modulus as reported previously. This method is promising because it can reveal the mechanical properties of structurally heterogeneous materials such as HEAs from a local perspective. Thus, it is expected that the accuracy of this method will be improved in the near future by using aberration-corrected TEM in the near future.

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