Session Details

[4D01-04]Surface Structures and Characterization 4

Wed. Oct 23, 2024 8:40 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Wed. Oct 23, 2024 11:40 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
D: Conference Room 11(1F)
Chair:Tadashi Abukawa(Tohoku University)
招待講演:Michele Riva
ViPErLEED: Quantitative LEED made easy

[4D01]Hydrogen adsorption and restructuring of Ag(111)-Bi surface

*Shunsuke Izu1, Yuji Ishizaki1, Takahiro Ozawa1, Hirokazu Ueta2, Katsuyuki Fukutani1,2 (1. Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 2. Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

[4D02]Simulation Study of RHEED intensity to elucidate subsurface hydrogen structure in metals

*Takaaki Kawamura1,2, Shohei Ogura2, Yuki Fukaya3, Takahiro Ozawa1, Katsuyuki Fukutani1,3 (1. Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 2. School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, 3. Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

[4D03]An effective use of total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD) for the structural analysis of hydrogen-terminated surfaces: an application to CeO2 (111) 1x1-H

*Izumi Mochizuki1, Takashi Hanada2, Takeo Hoshi3, Ken Wada1, Rezwan Ahmed1, Toshio Hyodo1 (1. Institute of Materials Structure Science, High-Energy Accelerator Research Organization, (KEK), 2. Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, 3. National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences)

[4D04]ViPErLEED: Quantitative LEED made easy

*Michele Riva1 (1. Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien)