
International symposium

We are organizing an International symposium at Aoba-no-kaze Terrace on 20th September, 2024, following the general program. Deep, active and energetic discussion will be developed on the fundamental science of systems and materials in which the interface dominates structure and function (synthesis, preparation, characterization, and application of interfaces, and understanding the mechanisms that bring about the functionalities). Please present your own research and share ideas in an intimate and relaxed environment.

The symposium is planned to be held as a hybrid event, but a "in-person" precipitation is preferred. 


Aoba-no-kaze Terrace (http://terrace.sendai-cp.net/)


20th September, 2024 (one day)
Different date and venue from those of general program.




Please register in advance via the following website. If you register for the general program, free for attending the international symposium.


Excursion and Lunch:

We are planning a half-day excursion to Zuihoden (https://www.zuihoden.com/en/). Those who wish to participate in this tour and order lunch should apply through the website above. The application deadline is September 6th.

The participation fee for the excursion is expected to be ca. 2,000 yen, and the lunch will be ca. 1,000 yen. Please pay in cash on the day. The price will be announced later to pre-registered participants..