
[23a-12C-1~10]3.3 生体・医用光学(旧3.4)

2024年3月23日(土) 9:00 〜 11:45
12C (1号館)
西舘 泉(農工大)、 三上 勝大(近⼤)

[23a-12C-1][第55回講演奨励賞受賞記念講演] 中赤外光音響分光法による脳腫瘍バイオマーカーイメージングの試み

〇田中 望実1、木野 彩子1,2、松浦 祐司1,2 (1.東北大院工、2.東北大院医工)


〇相場 希衣子1、木野 彩子1、松浦 祐司1 (1.東北大院工)


〇(M1)池田 丈1、木野 彩子1、松浦 祐司1 (1.東北大院工)


〇(B)中迫 瞭介1、河野 貴裕3、山田 純1、門野 博史2、Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan1 (1.芝浦工大、2.埼玉大、3.都立大)

[23a-12C-5]Biospeckle Optical Coherence Tomography (bOCT) detection and analytical methods to study the effects of Heavy Metal Copper on the growth and health status of Aquatic plant (Myriophyllum)

〇(D)Maimaiti Zulupuhaer1, Hirofumi Kadono1, Maheswari Uma2 (1.Saitama Univ., 2.Shibaura Inst)

[23a-12C-6]Fast and reliable micro bioassay techniques for organic solvent based on biospeckle for swift water assessment using plankton

〇(D)Devi Arti Devi1, Hirofumi Kadono1, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan2 (1.Graduate School of Science and Engineeing Saitama University, 255 shimookubo, Sakura ward, Saitama, 338-0825, Japan, 2.Department of mechanical Eng. Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)

[23a-12C-7]Biospeckle optical coherence tomography (bOCT) in the early detection of size-dependent impact of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on the internal activity of Lentil (Lens culinaris) seeds

〇(D)Lavista Tyagi1, Hirofumi Kadono1, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan2 (1.Graduate School of Science and Engineering Saitama University, 255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura ward, Saitama 330-0825, Japan, 2.Department of Mechanical Eng. Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)


〇横井 直倫1、小島 伊織2、湯浅 友典2、相津 佳永2 (1.公立千歳科技大理工、2.室蘭工大院)


〇安田 充1、立之 湧仁1、安井 正人1 (1.慶應大医)


〇鈴木 雅人1,5、清水 智哉1、西沢 望2、坂本 盛嗣1,5、野田 浩平1,5、佐々木 友之1,5、田中 雅之3,5、川月 喜弘4,5、小野 浩司1,5 (1.長岡技科大学、2.北里大理、3.株式会社オプトゲート、4.兵庫県立大学、5.CREST, JST)