[14a-K303-8]Enhancement of the anomalous Nernst effect by nano-porous structures
〇(D)Takuya Tsujimoto1, Toshio Miyamachi1, Masaki Mizuguchi1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)
spintronics、spin caloritronics、the Anomalous Nernst effect
The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) is one of the thermoelectric conversion phenomena commonly observed in ferromagnets and expected as next-generation energy harvesting technologies. Recently, we have reported the enhancement of the ANE in the granular thin films. Therefore, we hypothesized that by creating unique nanostructures in ferromagnets, we could enhance the electron scattering. The porous structure is well known as materials with large amounts of pores. In this study, we investigated the ANE for the porous Co thin films with different pore sizes and investigated porosity-dependence on the ANE. We prepared porous Co thin films by vapor phase dealloying method and studied the crystallographic structures using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Nernst voltage was measured by a physical property measurement system (PPMS) with a perpendicular magnetic field to the film plane at room temperature. We calculated the transverse thermoelectric conductivity, which reflects the magnitude of the ANE. As results, the ANE in Co porous structure was enhanced with decreasing the pore size. By utilizing the deep learning model, we also investigated the correlation between the ANE and characteristic structures of the porous films.