[14p-K303-13]Néel Vector Rotation Driven by Spin-Orbit Torque in Amorphous Ferrimagnetic GdCo Thin Films
〇Tetsuma Mandokoro1, Yoichi Shiota1,2, Tomoya Ito1, Hiroki Matsumoto1, Hideki Narita1, Ryusuke Hisatomi1,2, Shutaro Karube1,2, Teruo Ono1,2 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 2.CSRN, Kyoto Univ.)
spintronics、spin dynamics、ferrimagnet
Spin superfluidity is a novel phenomenon for low-dissipation transportation of spin angular momenta with a magnetization rotation in a plane. Since magnetic dipolar interactions disturb the long-distance transportation of the magnetization rotation, antiferromagnetic materials serve as a better platform to study the spin superfluidity. Observing this phenomenon requires the continuous rotation of an antiferromagnetic Néel vector within its magnetic easy plane. However the Néel vector rotation has not been demonstrated because of the energy barrier of magnetocrystalline anisotropy. To overcome this problem, we used an amorphous ferrimagnet GdCo that is free from magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the magnetic dipolar interaction at the magnetization compensation temperature. In ferrimagnet, the magnetic moments of the two sublattices are confined to a plane perpendicular to the applied magnetic field Hext when Hext exceeds a spin-flop transition field, forming a pseudo-magnetic easy plane.