[14p-K303-8]Single- and two-mode squeezing of magnons by parametric pumping
〇Tomosato Hioki1,2,3, Mehrdad Elyasi2, Kaito Tojo1, Koujiro Hoshi4,3, Eiji Saitoh1,2,3,4 (1.Dept. Appl. Phys., Univ. Tokyo, 2.AIMR, Tohoku Univ., 3.CEMS, RIKEN, 4.Inst. AI and Beyond, Univ. Tokyo)
Magnetization dynamics in thermal equilibrium fluctuate randomly due to thermal effects, making it impossible to predict the magnetization orientation in the next moment. However, in nonequilibrium states, these fluctuations can stop being complete random and exhibit a hidden order, forming correlations. This ordered state, called "squeezing," has potential applications in quantum operations and heat engines exceeding classical limits. While squeezing has been observed in systems like phonons and photons, it has not been previously demonstrated in magnons, the quasiparticles of magnetic excitations.
In this study, we achieved magnon squeezing, creating correlations between magnetization dynamics at different surfaces of the magnetic thin film.
In this study, we achieved magnon squeezing, creating correlations between magnetization dynamics at different surfaces of the magnetic thin film.