[15p-K401-13]Optics-free Gbps solar-blind communications by using highly-collimated deep-ultraviolet micro-LED with Fresnel zone plate nano-structures
〇韋 霊傑1、Hao Guo-Dong1、谷口 学1、井上 振一郎1 (1.情報通信研究機構)
Deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs) with emission wavelengths ranging from 200 nm to 280 nm could potentially be used as light sources for solar-blind communications. Micro-LEDs offer the advantages of low resistor-capacitor (RC) time constants and short carrier lifetimes due to their low capacitance and ability to operate at high current densities. These advantages bring micro-LEDs much higher bandwidth compared to conventional LEDs, which enable them to achieve high-speed communications. For practical communication applications, a transmitter with highly-collimated DUV light source is preferred. High-purity quartz lenses are commonly adopted for DUV beam collimation. However, these additional optical components cause high costs and heavy optical burdens. Moreover, a large amount of light is wasted without being collimated due to the small effective aperture of conventional optical lenses, which limits their applications in DUV communications. We have previously demonstrated highly-collimated optics-free DUV micro-LEDs on both sapphire and aluminum nitride (AlN) substrates with Fresnel zone plate (FZP) nano-structures. In this work, we demonstrate an optics-free solar-blind communications using our highly-collimated DUV micro-LEDs. As a result, the date rate was significantly enhanced compared to the conventional flat-surface DUV-LED, achieving Gbps-class communication speed.