
[15p-P07-49]Fabrication and evaluation of molecular nanojunctions utilizing Ni78Fe22 thin-film edges

〇Chika Hashimoto1, Mizuki Matsuzaka1, Ryunosuke Miyamoto1, Takumi Ueda1, Hideo Kaiju1,2 (1.Keio Univ., 2.CSRN, Keio Univ.)


molecular spintronics、magnetoresistance

Molecular spintronics has been attracted much attention because of the unique possibilities. Especially, a large magnetoresistance (MR) effect has been observed in nanosized molecular spintronic devices, in which a high spin polarization is realized due to the effective orbital hybridization between molecules and magnetic materials. Recently, the positive MR effect was observed in Ni78Fe22 (Py)/2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (C8-BTBT)/Py nanojunction with a junction area of 42 × 42 nm2 at room temperature. However, the properties of nanojunctions with junction areas larger than 42 × 42 nm2 have not been clarified. In this study, we fabricate Py/C8-BTBT/Py nanojunctions with junction areas larger than 42 × 42 nm2, and evaluate their electrical and magnetic properties by DC four-probe method. As a result, we have successfully observed a positive MR effect at room temperature in Py/C8-BTBT/Py nanojunctions with a junction area of 186 × 186 nm2. The positive MR effect is also observed in nanojunctions with junction areas of 85 × 85 and 131 × 131 nm2. The junction area of 186 × 186 nm2 is the largest one in our proposed nanojunctions. The present study may pave a new avenue to reveal spin transport mechanism in molecular nano-devices.

