
[15p-P07-7]Rectification effect and spontaneous voltage generation in superconductor MoGe/ferromagnet NiFe bilayer

〇(M1)Koyomi Oshigane1, Hiroki Arisawa1,2, Eiji Saitoh1,2,3,4 (1.Dept. Appl. Phys. Univ. Tokyo, 2.CEMS RIKEN, 3.Inst. AI and Beyond, Univ. Tokyo, 4.AIMR Tohoku Univ.)


superconductor、rectification effect、spintronics

We explored the rectification effect in a superconducting/magnetic bilayer system, MoGe/NiFe. We discovered that a spontaneous d.c. voltage is generated along the in-plane direction of the sample without any external input under the application of a magnetic field. Systematic measurement revealed that the observed voltage originates from the flow of superconducting vortex strings, which can feel the asymmetric magnetic environment at the MoGe surfaces. Furthermore, by measuring the spontaneous d.c. voltage generation and nonreciprocal resistance in three different bilayer systems, MoGe/NiFe, MoGe/Y3Fe5O12, and MoGe/SiO2, we revealed that the spontaneous d.c. voltage generation is correlated to the nonreciprocal electrical response.

