[15p-P07-9]Comparative study of gate-modulated quantum interference effects in (001) and (113) GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells
〇Taisei Usubuchi1, Taizo Kawano2, Michael Prager3, Daisuke Izasa2, Michael Kammermeier4, Jun Ishihara2, Sota Yamamoto2, Dieter Schuh3, Dominique Bougerd3, Makoto Kohda2,5,6,7 (1.Sch.of Eng., Tohoku Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Tohoku Univ., 3.Regensburg Univ., 4.Wellington Univ., 5.CSIS, Tohoku Univ., 6.DEFS, Tohoku Univ., 7.QUARC,QST)
Spin-orbit interaction、Two-dimensional electron gas、Weak anti-localization effects
Persistent spin helix (PSH) state induced by Dresselhaus and Rashba spin-orbit interactions (SOIs) in III-V compound semiconductor quantum wells (QWs) is one of the most important states, because the PSH state provides spin manipulation and long spin lifetime simultaneously. Recently, it has been predicted that such PSH states also emerge in QW planes where at least two of the Miller indices agree in the modulus. In particular, the PSH state in a (113)-oriented QW is attractive because it is expected to be a more stable spin state than that in a conventional (001)-oriented QW.
Here we compare the gate-modulated quantum interference effects at 200 mK in (001) and (113) oriented GaAs/AlGaAs QWs. While weak anti-localization (WAL) was consistently observed in (001)-oriented QWs, a transition from WAL to weak localization (WL) was observed in (113)-oriented QWs. This indicates that the PSH state is realized in (113)- oriented QWs.
Here we compare the gate-modulated quantum interference effects at 200 mK in (001) and (113) oriented GaAs/AlGaAs QWs. While weak anti-localization (WAL) was consistently observed in (001)-oriented QWs, a transition from WAL to weak localization (WL) was observed in (113)-oriented QWs. This indicates that the PSH state is realized in (113)- oriented QWs.