
[16a-K203-2]Epitaxial growth of Ba-substituted SrCoO2.5 films and their electrochemical protonation

〇(D)Lingling Xie1, Takuya Majima2, Yuichi Shimakawa1, Daisuke Kan1 (1.ICR., Kyoto Univ., 2.Dep. Nuc. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)


Electrochemical protonation、Epitaxial thin films、(BaxSr1-x)CoO2.5

The brownmillerite strontium cobaltite SrCoO2.5 (SCO) with an ordered arrangement of oxygen vacancies can accommodate hydrogen (or protons) electrochemically even at room temperature, offering a platform for investigating proton diffusion and accommodation in solids. While proton accumulation and protonation of epitaxial films of SCO have been established, the influence of substitutions of Sr2+ by divalent cations remains unexplored. Given that cation substitutions modify SCO lattices and oxygen vacancy arrangements, they are expected to affect proton accommodation and protonation of SCO.

