
[16a-K405-6]Improving the Stability of Formamidinium Lead Iodide Solar Cells with FAIPbI2 Powder and Silicon Quantum Dots

〇Svrcek Vladimir1, Kambley Ankur1, Mierzaaihemaiti Abuduhebaier1, Calum McDonald1, Mariotti Davide2, Murakami Takurou1, Matsui Takuya1 (1.AIST Tsukuba, 2.University of Strathclyde)


perovskites stability、quantum dots、solar cell

Intensive research on formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3)-based single-junction solar cells has achieved record-breaking conversion efficiency but still faces significant stability challenges. To address this issue, we explored two approaches: synthesizing and processing formamidinium iodide lead iodide powder (P-FAIPbI) and incorporating surface-engineered silicon quantum dots (Si QDs) into P-FAIPbI-based films. We detail the synthesis of P-FAIPbI and its impact on the stability of both films and solar cells. The results demonstrated that P-FAIPbI enhanced film stability by approximately fivefold under light exposure in humid conditions, maintaining its black phase for up to 108 days, compared to only 20 days for FAPbI3 prepared using conventional PbI2 precursors. In single-junction n-i-p solar cells, devices with PbI2-derived FAPbI3 (initial efficiencies exceeding 19%) completely degraded within 24 hours of continuous 1 Sun irradiation in a constant temperature-humid chamber. In contrast, P-FAIPbI based devices maintained their performance under identical conditions, although their efficiency decreased by half. Further stability improvements were achieved by incorporating fs laser-engineered Si QDs. This approach ensured uniform distribution of Si QDs within the P-FAIPbI absorption film, further enhancing solar cell stability. XRD analysis revealed that Si QDs stabilized the alfa phase of P-FAIPbI, preventing its transition to the less stable yellow delta phase. These findings highlight the potential of combining P-FAIPbI with Si QDs to develop more stable and efficient perovskite solar cells. Notably, this research was conducted using unencapsulated and non-passivated films and devices, isolating material effects without interference from encapsulation or passivation techniques.

