[17p-K102-4]Observation of Nonreciprocal Transport in Two-Dimensional Hole Gas at the Surface of Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond Surface
〇Fujio Sako1, Ryo Ohshima1,2, Yuichiro Ando3, Naoya Morioka2,4, Hiroyuki Kawashima4, Riku Kawase4, Norikazu Mizuochi2,4, Masashi Shiraishi1,2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.CSRN, Kyoto Univ., 3.Osaka Metro. Univ., 4.ICR, Kyoto Univ.)
hydrogen-terminated diamond、two-dimensional hole gas、nonreciprocal transport
Hydrogen-terminated (H-) diamond hosts two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) at its surface, and inner triangular potential at the surface gives rise to sizable Rashba-type spin splitting in the E-k dispersion. In a Rashba system, current-induced spin polarization through Edelstein effect give rise to nonreciprocal transpor tunder an external magnetic field. Longitudinal resistance R is expressed as R = R0{1 + γBextIsin(φ)}, where γ is a magnitude of the modulation of resistance, Bext is extermal magnetic field, I is electric current, and φ represents the azimuthal angle of an external magnetic field to the electric current. Alternative electric current I0sin(ωt) induces the second harmonic resistance R2ω, which is described as R2ω = -γBextI0/2. In this study, a Hall-bar shaped H-diamond (001) sample was prepared and R2ω was measured under Bext in φ = 90 ° direction. The odd component of R2ω was proportional to the Bext, which signifies successfull observation of the nonreciprocal transport.