

2025年3月17日(月) 10:00 〜 11:35
K205 (講義棟)


〇Masahiro Nomura1 (1.UTokyo)

[17a-K205-2]Development, Comprehensive Performance Characterization, and Large-Scale Fabrication of High-Performance Heterostructure Materials

Yufeng Zhang1, Aoran Fan1, Weigang Ma1, 〇Xing Zhang1 (1.Tsinghua Univ.)

[17a-K205-3]Observation and application of hydrodynamic heat transport in microscale graphite

〇Xin Huang1, Masahiro Nomura1 (1.IIS, Univ. of Tokyo)

[17a-K205-4]Control of heat and electrical transport across van der Waals nano-interfaces

〇Kazuhiro Yanagi1 (1.Tokyo Metro. Univ.)