Presentation Information

[1C05]Control of the aggregation state and luminescence properties of perylenediimide by the Vortex-LB method: Effect of developing solvent

*Satoshi Yamanouchi Yamanouchi1, Kazuki Fuke1, Masaki ishii2, Masaak Akamatsu4, Kyosuke Arakawa1, Katsuhiko Ariga1,2,5, Kenichi Sakai1,3, Hideki Sakai1,3 (1. Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science (Japan), 2. Research Institute for Science and Technorogy,Tokyo University of Science,Supermolecules Group,National Institute for Materials Science (Japan), 3. Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science (Japan), 4. Faculty of Technorogy, Tottori University (Japan), 5. Supermolecules Group, National Institute for Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo (Japan))


Luminescence,Mechanical stimulation,Perylenediimide

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