Session Details

[1B07-08]1. Surfactants and Amphiphilic Materials

Tue. Sep 17, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 17, 2024 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
Room B(B101)
Chair:Kenichi Sakai(Tokyo University of Science)

[1B07]Analysis of flow behavior of cationic surfactant/fatty alcohol/water-system (α-gel) by polarized imaging measurement

*Moe Araida1, Yoshifumi Yamagata1, Taisuke Sato2, Saki Otobe1, Keisuke Miyamoto1, Takuya Katashima3 (1. Anton Paar Japan K. K (Japan), 2. Photonic Lattice, Inc. (Japan), 3. Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Japan))

[1B08]Microscopic Analysis of the Water/Glycerol/EO30PS System in Bulk and on a Solid Substrate

*Makoto Uyama1, Roland Steitz3, Marcus Trapp3, Laurence Noirez4, Sebastian Bayer2, Michael Gradzielski2 (1. SHISEIDO CO., LTD. MIRAI Technology Institute (Japan), 2. Technische Universität Berlin (Germany), 3. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (Germany), 4. Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (France))