Session Details

[1C06-07]2. Molecular Films

Tue. Sep 17, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM JST
Tue. Sep 17, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM UTC
Room C(B102)
Chair:Mafumi Hishida(Tokyo University of Science)

[1C06]Control of Structure and Function of Lipid Membranes by Biomimetic Amphiphilic Polymers

*Kazuma Yasuhara1,2 (1. Division of Materials Sicence, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan), 2. Center for Digital Green-innovation, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan))

[1C07]Bilayer Phase Behavior of Dialkyldimethylammonium Iodide

*Masaki GOTO1, Kentaro ENOMOTO2, Nobutake TAMAI1, Hitoshi MATSUKI1 (1. Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University (Japan), 2. Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Tokushima University (Japan))